Lesson1:  Intro






Lesson2: Formatting SD Card and Installing Operating System


1, insert sd card into adapter and then PC; use sdFormatter to clear the sd card

2, System download. https://raspberrypi.org/downloads/

Downloads NOOBS

move all files into SD card, and reinsert SD card into Rasp


3, Plug keyboard and mouse into USB mounts of Rasp, connect Rasp with a monitor, and start system with power on




booting up


Enable boot to 



boot in console







user name pi

passwords raspberry


5, ready to start working



 6, shut down (kill it): sudo halt


 7, learn how to back up:

 win32 disk imager






 reinsert SD card to PC

create a new folder for backup








1, where am I in file system?




 2, navigating:



cd ..

cd python_games



 3, What's in the root? What's in some folder ?without navigating


ls /



ls /home/pi/python_games










Lesson 4: Creating and Editing Files with Nano Command


1, operating folders : three types:

  •  current,
  • ".." for higher level
  • /home/pi/??? for absolute path

 mkdir ????

rmdir ???








 2, operating files


nano ???.txt and type documents










LESSON 5: Naming Files and Folders



don't use space in your file name!


Case-sensitive in Linux


  • underline to replace spaces


  • bumpy text: Use upper case first letter starting from the seconde words



  •  Dash to replace spaces





 LESSON 6: Moving, Copying and Deleting Files and Folders


 mv ??/xxx.txt  ss/xxx.txt

 mv ??/xxx.txt  ss/yyy.txt (rename at the same time)



 cp ??/xxx.txt ss (copy, so we don't need a new name)

 cp ??/xxx.txt  ss/yyy.txt (but we can still rename the file)



 in nano: ctrl+o and yes to save, and ctrl+x to leave



 delete one folder, we have to first remove all the files in it, BUUUUUUUT?



 But , we can still do it by add -r




LESSON 7: Using the Wildcard



have several files here.


move all dog?.txt to another parallel folder



 move every file to another folder







 LESSON 8: Sending Linux Command Output to Files




 one > will overwrite the content of the file



 double > will be write after the former content





 LESSON 9: Using the Linux Sort Command


  •  File1


sort the file


-r means reverse sort

sort and rewrite to other files



  •  File2



without -n, linux doesnt know you want it to sort by number values



-n -r: number and reverse



  •  File3



-M: means the month sort. Even tolerate a small typo...






 LESSON 10: Safely Shutting Down the Raspberry Pi




The simplest way to shutdown the pi is with the command:

$ sudo halt

Instead, if you want to shutdown and then reboot, you can use:

$ sudo reboot

These two commands will take care of things most of the time. If for some reason sudo halt does not work, you can try the following:

$ sudo shutdown -h now





 LESSON 11: Fixing Problem with Keyboards in US



 make sure here's a lowercase "us"






 LESSON 12: More on Linux Path Names


"/" means 






 LESSON 13: Using the Linux Pipe Command









 LESSON 14: Using Linux Tee Command


 print result using pipe,

we can write results to files with ">" and ">>"

but what if we would like to both screen print and write results to a file?


examine file content by "cat"






get them both!



another example:




but this operation will overwrite files, what if we want not to overwrite? APPEND!







 LESSON 15: Using the Linux Find Command



find .      ->   search current folder

-name      ->  search by name

"xxx.ttt"       ->  



 search with wildcard under /home/pi/ : 

use "~"







posted @ 2018-11-02 10:21  ecoflex  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报