method of processing can not launch in Windows XP

processing 官网中处理方法如下:

Processing won't start! Nothing (or something strange) happens when I click “Run”!

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  • Processing won't open and there's no error. Try moving or renaming your Sketchbook. Sometimes a Mode or Tool conflicts with opening Processing. This will disable all Modes and Tools and a new Sketchbook will be created. Once Processing is opening again, code can be moved back into the new Sketchbook. The sketchbook on Windows XP is Documents and Settings → username → Application Data → Processing. On Windows 7 (or Vista) it's Users → username → AppData → Roaming → Processing. For Mac OS X, it's Users → username → Library → Processing. An alternate approach to moving or renaming the Sketchbook is to change the name of each Mode and Library inside the Sketchbook one at a time. When the name of the Mode or Library that is causing the issue is changed, Processing will start and you'll know where the issue is.
  • Errors inside code that is outside of setup() or draw() may just hang/freeze Processing. For instance, with this code, if "blah.vlw" is not in the "data" folder, it may just hang (and won't work in any case). Never use loadXxxx() methods outside setup() and draw().
PFont font = loadFont("blah.vlw");
void setup {
  // your awesome code

对processign我也不了解,不知道“An alternate approach to moving or renaming the Sketchbook is to change the name of each Mode and Library inside the Sketchbook one at a time. When the name of the Mode or Library
that is causing the issue is changed, Processing will start and you'll know where the issue is.”  如何操作。受官网处理方法的启发,我到目录C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data  下找到Processing文件夹,删除它,然后重新运行processing,成功启动。
posted @ 2013-07-12 11:34  ecmangy  阅读(187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报