Applications must be ready for upload on iTunes Connect before they can be validated or submitted from within Xcode.

上传ipa文件到App Store的时候,出现了一些问题,

Prepare for Upload

Waiting for Upload


Ready for Upload


在iTunes Connect里面填入信息,按照要求生成ipa包之后,还是有问题,报错

Applications must be ready for upload on iTunes Connect before they can be validated or submitted from within Xcode.


Theres something in there about 'Upload Binary' in the top right in iTunes Connect. Its not the status. Once you click that, it will ask if you've added any encryption, say no and hit ok. Your status will then change to 'Waiting for Upload'. After that, you can use the Application Loader






posted on 2013-01-24 11:03  easonoutlook  阅读(3298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报