Spagetti code and keyboard symbols

What is spaghetti code exactly?

Spaghetti code is the general term used for any source code that’s hard to understand because it has no defined structure. While an end user might not see anything wrong with a program, a programmer might find it virtually illegible if the code base’s flow is too convoluted—like a bowl of twisted, tangled spaghetti.  

Keyboard Symbols

` grave, grave accent, backtick, back quote
~ tilde
! exclamation mark, exclamation point, bang
@ at, at sign, at symbol
# pound, hash, number
$ dollar(s)
% percent, percent sign, parts per 100
^ carat, hat, circumflex, exponent symbol
& and, ampersand
* asterisk
( open parenthesis, left parenthesis
) close parenthesis, right parenthesis
( ) parentheses, round brackets
hyphen, minus, minus sign, dash
_ underscore
= equals, equal sign
+ addition, plus sign
[ ] brackets, square brackets
[ open bracket
] close bracket
{ } braces, curly brackets
{ open brace
} close brace
\ backslash, backward slash
| vertical pipe, pipe
; semicolon
: colon
apostrophe, prime, single quote
quotation mark, double quotes
, comma
. period, decimal, dot
/ slash, forward slash
<> angle brackets
< less than
> greater than
? question mark
posted @ 2022-12-29 13:14  keeps_you_warm  阅读(18)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报