
这是今天坐公交时继续阅读 Virtual Panel: What's Next for .NET? 这篇采访报道的收获。

新一代.NET平台的三大框架是:.NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono,它们的定位分别是:

1).NET Core 定位于跨平台服务端应用开发

.NET Core is a new, cross-platform runtime optimized for server workloads. ··· It is the runtime that the new web development stack, ASP.NET Core, uses.

2).NET Framework 定位于 Windows 桌面应用开发

It contains additional Windows-specific APIs, such as APIs for Windows desktop development with Windows Forms and WPF.  .NET Framework is optimized for building Windows desktop applications.

3)Mono(Xamarin-flavored Mono) 定位于移动应用开发

It contains additional APIs for iOS, Android, Xamarin.Forms, and Xamarin.Mac.  It is optimized for building mobile applications on iOS and Android.

posted @ 2017-02-02 14:49  dudu  阅读(1275)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报