

2015年1月14日,Single-photon emission enhancement科学家突破量子技术关键步骤:单光子发射增强

the new metamaterial is compatible with the complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor manufacturing process used to construct integrated circuits.

"The single-photon emitters could be used to build highly efficient room temperature CMOS-compatible single-photon sources."

Because the studied system represents a stable source of single photons that functions at room temperature, it is potentially practical for commercial applications. 

2015年1月16日,Rice grain-sized laser helps build the first quantum computer

This maser and quantum dot system is yet another step in the long stride towards building the first truly functional quantum computer.

“I consider this to be a really important result for our long-term goal, which is entanglement between quantum bits in semiconductor-based devices,”

posted @ 2015-01-17 22:08  dudu  阅读(102)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报