Moqui学习之 Step by Step OrderProcureToPayBasicFlow

      /** Get a service caller to call a service synchronously. */
        //ServiceCallSync sync();
        /** Map of name, value pairs that make up the context (in parameters) passed to the service. */
       // ServiceCallSync parameters(Map<String, ?> context);
        /** Call the service synchronously and immediately get the result.
         * @return Map containing the result (out parameters) from the service call.
        //Map<String, Object> call() throws ServiceException;
        Map priceMap = ec.service.sync().name("mantle.product.PriceServices.get#ProductPrice")
                .parameters([productId:'DEMO_1_1', priceUomId:priceUomId, quantity:1,
                    vendorPartyId:vendorPartyId, customerPartyId:customerPartyId]).call()


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