Custom Client Side Drag and Drop Behavior in ASP.NET AJAX

这是我的一篇在上的英文文章,限于版权协议中的排他性条款,这里只能给出一部分摘要引用。有兴趣的朋友可以到这里看到完整的全文:《Custom Client Side Drag and Drop Behavior in ASP.NET AJAX》。

Published: 19 Jun 2007


This article explains the step-by-step procedure of how to create a custom Drag and Drop behavior by implementing IDragSource and IDropTarget interfaces provided by ASP.NET AJAX client side framework, which will lead to a very attractive and user friendly User eXperience (UX).

by Dflying Chen

Views (Total / Last 10 Days): 693/ 693

Article Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Pre-Requirements
  3. Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Client Side Drag & Drop Architecture
  4. Show off the Demo - Drag Products and Drop into Shopping Cart
  5. Creating the Demo Web Site
  6. Manipulating Data - Web Services
  7. Draggable Product - Implement IDragSource by DraggableProductBehavior
  8. Droppable Shopping Cart - Implement IDropTarget by ShoppingCartBehavior
  9. The ASPX Page and ScriptManager Control
  10. Get Products via Web Service
  11. Order Products via Web Service
  13. Conclusion

完整的全文请访问:《Custom Client Side Drag and Drop Behavior in ASP.NET AJAX》。

posted on 2007-06-21 08:51  Dflying Chen  阅读(3000)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报