摘要: 在前面两篇中,我们创建了自己的ASP.NET AJAX Extender控件,这一篇将介绍如何在实际项目中使用该控件。关于该控件的详细功能、实际运行时的界面效果以及详细属性列表,请参考我的《ASP.NET AJAX控件——PopupNotificationExtender:实现OWA或Messenger样式的信息提示窗口》这篇文章。 阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-07 23:14 Dflying Chen 阅读(8588) 评论(34) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: It's been two years since... and I've got the feeling that it is just the right time to move on. Thanks everybody for the days and nights with you, which will become my happiest time in my life. I wis... 阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-07 21:26 Dflying Chen 阅读(1397) 评论(9) 推荐(0) 编辑