SQL Trace - MWA

The following steps will enable SQL*Trace for all MSCA/WMS users.
Please modify the following parameter in Mobile server configuration file mwa.cfg .

Here are the steps
1) Stop the mobile telnet server
2) Modify the file mwa.cfg setting mwa.LogLevel=performance
3) Start the mobile server
4) Logon to mobile applications and perform the transaction
5) Confirm the presence of a new trace file.
5) Log out of application
6) Stop the mobile server
7) Reset the parameter in mwa.cfg
8) Restart the mobile server.
Please provide the trace file generated by the process.

2. Provide the tkprof as follows:
a. Retrieve the trace file.

b. Issue a command like the following to create a TKPROF version of the
trace file. This command sorts the results with the longest running
queries first:
tkprof <filename.trc> <output_filename> sys=no

c. Additionally, provide the following TKPROF that limits the results to
the top ten queries:
tkprof <filename.trc> <output_filename> sys=no
sort='(prsela,exeela,fchela)' print=10

posted @ 2021-05-11 23:51  Deo2021  阅读(41)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报