
In the PC/single core times, we assumed flop is expensive. As such, the “best” practice having been followed up to date is to trade frequent memory access for reduced and saved flops; the philosophy of code/algorithm optimization is to reduce the number of flops. However, following the current trend of multi/many-core hardware change, flop is becoming the next round of “free lunch”, whereas data movement appears to the new bottleneck because the energy consumed on data moment is 100X that on flop. Hence, from the viewpoint of hardware efficiency and energy effectiveness, the more flops per unit data movement, the merrier. For the future’s extreme-scale simulation, the S&E application would be prone to adopt numerical algorithms that can maximize the number of flops per unit data movement to take full advantage of the “free flop”. This is in perfect contrast with the programming habit and the way of thinking in the past. The algorithm that was deemed to be expensive in the PC/single core times might be reversely a good candidate on the emerging computer architecture; tomorrow highly possibly would see a paradigm shift in defining what a “good” numerical algorithm is.

    As the power of modern super computing systems continues to advance at an exciting pace forward to extreme scales, it is quite clear that the associated numerical software development challenges are also increasingly formidable. On the emerging architectures, memory and data motion present increasingly serious bottlenecks as the required low-power consumption requirements lead to systems with significant restrictions on available memory and communications bandwidth. In consideration of the current trend of hardware change, if no change is made to the key numerical algorithm, the waste of the floating point capability seems unavoidable. Consequently, computational science experts in multiple application domains will need to re-visit key application algorithms and solvers ? with the likelihood that new capabilities will be demanded in order to keep up with the dramatic architectural changes that accompany the impressive increases in compute power.



















posted @ 2014-07-05 22:41  daijkstra  阅读(214)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报