LaTex Tricks

TeXstudio has the Ctrl+T/U shortcuts for commenting/uncommenting multilines.


Comment in pseudocodes (Just for use with package algorithmic. For algorithmicx, simply use \Comment{})

%\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\hfill\eqparbox{COMMENT}{\# #1}}
\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\hfill\eqparbox{COMMENT}{/* #1 */}}
			\STATE $sum=0$;
			\FOR[comment for FOR]{$j=1$ \TO $100$}
			\IF[comment for IF]{$j\%2==1$}
			\STATE $sum=sum+i$; \COMMENT{normal comment}


LaTex algorithm Packages (ACK:

  • algorithm - float wrapper for algorithms.
  • algorithmic - first algorithm typesetting environment.
  • algorithmicx - second algorithm typesetting environment.
  • algpseudocode - layout for algorithmicx.
  • algorithm2e - third algorithm typesetting environment.

I use algorithmicx with algpseudocode since they are superior to algorithmic. I think algorithmicx offers the same functionality compared to algorithm2e, but I find its syntax clearer than the one provided by algorithm2e.


Algorithm vs. Procedure (Ack

A procedure which always terminates is called an algorithm.




 The notion of a procedure and an algorithm is formally defined in the book “ Formal Languages and their relation to Automata “ (1969), by hopcroft and ullman.

posted @ 2020-02-10 14:37  yohohoo  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报