System Administrator(构造,图论)

System Administrator
time limit per test
2 seconds
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Bob got a job as a system administrator in X corporation. His first task was to connect n servers with the help of mtwo-way direct connection so that it becomes possible to transmit data from one server to any other server via these connections. Each direct connection has to link two different servers, each pair of servers should have at most one direct connection. Y corporation, a business rival of X corporation, made Bob an offer that he couldn't refuse: Bob was asked to connect the servers in such a way, that when server with index v fails, the transmission of data between some other two servers becomes impossible, i.e. the system stops being connected. Help Bob connect the servers.


The first input line contains 3 space-separated integer numbers nmv (3 ≤ n ≤ 105, 0 ≤ m ≤ 105, 1 ≤ v ≤ n), n — amount of servers, m — amount of direct connections, v — index of the server that fails and leads to the failure of the whole system.


If it is impossible to connect the servers in the required way, output -1. Otherwise output m lines with 2 numbers each — description of all the direct connections in the system. Each direct connection is described by two numbers — indexes of two servers, linked by this direct connection. The servers are numbered from 1. If the answer is not unique, output any.

Sample test(s)
5 6 3
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
1 3
3 5
6 100 1






如何确定什么时候无解?这需要求出在顶点数为n的情况下边数m的最大值和最小值。由于图连通,易知m>=n-1。重点是求m的最大值。假设V1和V2各有k和(n-k)个点,V1内部最多k*(k-1) / 2条边,V2内部最多有 (n-k)*(n-k-1) / 2条边,而V2和v之间最多有n-k条边,则m<=k*(k-1) / 2+ (n-k)*(n-k-1) / 2 + n-k ,由一元二次方程知识知当k与(n+1)/2差的绝对值越大,m的最大值越大,于是k为1或n-1。所以m最大时,V1有n-1个点而V2有一个点。故m<=(n-1)*(n-2)/2+1.于是得n-1 <= m <= (n-1)*(n-2)/2+1.



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <algorithm>
 3 #include <string>
 4 #include <queue>
 5 #include <vector>
 6 #include <cmath>
 7 #include <cstdio>
 8 #include <cstring>
 9 using namespace std;
11 const int SZ = 100002;
12 int n, m, v;
13 bool vis[SZ];
15 int main()
16 {
17     while(scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &v) != EOF)
18     {
19         if(m < n - 1 || m > ((n - 2) * (n - 3)) / 2 + n - 1)
20             puts("-1");
21         else if(n < 3)
22         {
23             puts("1 2");
24         }
25         else
26         {
27             int u = v - 1;
28             if(v == 1) u = 2;
29             for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
30             {
31                 if(i != v)
32                     printf("%d %d\n", i, v);
33             }
34             m -= (n - 1);
35             for(int i = 1; i <= n && m; i++)
36             {
37                 if(i == v || i == u) continue;
38                 for(int j = i + 1; j <= n && m; j++)
39                 {
40                     if(j == v || j == u) continue;
41                     printf("%d %d\n", i , j);
42                     m--;
43                 }
44             }
45         }
46     }
47     return 0;
48 }


posted on 2013-07-26 22:38  铁树银花  阅读(452)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
