
最近在读导师给的《Natural Language Processing with Python》.


from nltk_contrib import toolbox




My questions are as follows:
1 What is the relationship between "nltk" and "nltk_contrib"?(nltk和nltk_contrib之间的关系是什么?)
2 Is "Nltk_contrib" already out of date?(nltk_contrib已经过时了吗?)


> 1 What is the relationship between "nltk" and "nltk_contrib"? 

nltk_contrib is a separate repository where people can contribute 
miscellaneous NLP tools -- there's a lot of stuff in there, and it may 
or may not be useful. Or it may or may not work. 

> 2 Is "Nltk_contrib" already out of date? 

A bunch of things in it are out of date :-( We should update them! 

Did you have a specific problem using the toolbox? 

-- alexr 



On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:01 PM, XXX <limaoma...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi Alex: > First of all, thank you for your answer. This post has been published > for a long time, I thought that no one wants to answer my question, I am > glad to see your reply. > The reason why these questions, because I found the toolbox there are a > lot of versions. In addition to this version of the nltk_contrib.toolbox, > there nltk.toolbox, and nltk.corpus.reader.toolbox. > The reason why I use nltk_contrib is there is a more useful function > for me, that is nltk_contrib.data.indent (XXXX). > Thanks again for your help!
Oh, that's interesting! Thanks for pointing this out, how there's a "toolbox" module in both nltk and nltk_contrib! The modules in nltk vs nltk_contrib look pretty different, but they're by the same author... we should probably write down some documentation for what they do, and maybe when to use which one!



posted @ 2013-05-25 14:24  createMoMo  阅读(604)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报