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电子商务标准体系RosettaNet与Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet


RosettaNet Standards

RosettaNet industry standards provide business frameworks that allow individual companies to enhance the interoperability of business processes across the global supply chain.


These standards transcend proprietary solutions in the marketplace. In fact, RosettaNet leverages existing protocols, guidelines and specifications to quickly create standards for efficient business communication across multiple platforms, applications and networks.


RosettaNet standards are global and open. They prescribe how to implement collaborative business processes between supply-chain trading partners using networked applications. These specifications include the business process definitions and technical elements for interoperability and communication.

RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes® (PIPs®) define business processes between trading partners.
PIP Directory
The PIP®  Directory provides you with faster access to the PIP information you are seeking.
RosettaNet dictionaries provide a common set of properties for PIPs®. The RosettaNet Business Dictionary designates the properties used in basic business activities. RosettaNet Technical Dictionaries provide properties for defining products.
RosettaNet Implementation Framework
The RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) Core Specification is the packaging, routing, and transport of all PIP® messages and business signals.
Trading Partner Implementation Requirements
Trading Partner Implementation Requirements enable trading partners to constrain schema-based PIP; and view, respond to and create RosettaNet PIPs without requiring backend integration.
RosettaNet 官方网站:
RosettaNet 中文网站:很遗憾的是我没有在中文网站找到多少有价值的资料。

微软Biztalk有加速器可以用来实现RosettaNet,最新版本是Microsoft biztalk Accelerator for RosettaNet 3.3
我从微软的测试版里面帮助文件分享给大家吧,因为要找到正式版的Microsoft biztalk Accelerator for RosettaNet 3.3 不容易)。


posted on 2006-07-07 16:26  无为而为-凡事从积极的态度做起  阅读(1123)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报