Working with macro signatures


update macro signatures

Whenever a user saves a macro expression, the system automatically adds a security signature containing the user name of the macro's author and a hash of the expression. The hash function also appends a salt to the input. By default, the system uses a randomly generated GUID as the salt.

If your application's hash salt value changes, the security signatures of existing macro expressions become invalid. This may lead to problems with unresolved macros in certain scenarios:

  • After setting a new salt via the CMSHashStringSalt web.config key.
  • When using content staging to transfer data containing macros to another instance with a different hash salt.
  • If your application does not have a custom hash salt, and the connection string has changed (for example when moving to a different server or after setting a new database password).


To re-sign all occurrences of macros in the system, enter the appropriate hash salt values and click Update macro signatures.

posted @ 2018-02-05 15:04  ChuckLu  阅读(140)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报