def max(*args, key=None): # known special case of max
max(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
max(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its biggest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.

def min(*args, key=None): # known special case of min
min(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
min(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its smallest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the smallest argument.

class enumerate(object):
enumerate(iterable[, start]) -> iterator for index, value of iterable 返回 迭代器 索引 可迭代对象的值

Return an enumerate object. iterable must be another object that supports
iteration. The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from
start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.
enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list:
(0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ...
posted on 2018-08-17 19:53  yellwonfin  阅读(344)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报