sql 语句 的一些优化小总结

1.用exists 代替 in 

原理:exists 是存在一个即返回一个 而in是做全盘扫描得出所有条件内的数据

select *From member where age>18 and exists (select 'x' from Person where member.name =Person.name='cyao')
select *From member where age>18 and name in (select name From Person where name='cyao')


2.用exists 代替DISITNCT

select name ,age from mamber as d where exists (select 'x' from person as e where e.name = d.name)
select Distinct name ,age from mamber as d ,person as e where e.name = d.name

3.尽量避免在select 后面 加*

4.尽量避免空值查询 所有的字段尽量有设置默认值。例如num列默认值为0;判断由where num is null  -> where num=0 

5.尽量使用数字型字段,例如status=1 激活  status=2 代表删除



posted @ 2017-06-29 13:54  雨V幕  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报