Stuff about IE7: new feature, incompatibility, Bug etc. (Updating...)

Stuff about IE7: new feature, incompatibility, Bug etc. (Updating...)
1. IE7 newly supports the 'title' attribute of select and option

<select title="I'm a select">
<option title="I'm option 1">option 1</option1>
<option title="I'm option 2">option 2</option1>
<option title="I'm option 3">option 3</option1>

   Demo: Please review in IE 7
2.Div can now mark onto a select control. IE6- doesn't.
3.Newly support position:fixed.
4.Star html selector hack(bug) is fixed in IE7. star html hack (Tan hack)

posted @ 2007-04-27 14:56  David (Dawei) Li  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报