

class Connection
    var $host; 
    var $user; 
    var $passwd; 
    var $database;
    var $conn;
    function Connection($host, $user, $passwd, $database)
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->user = $user; 
        $this->passwd = $passwd; 
        $this->database = $database;
    function Open()
        $this->conn=mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user,$this->passwd) or die("Could not connect to $this->host"); 
        mysql_select_db($this->database,$this->conn) or die("Could not switch to database $this->database"); 
    function Close()
    function GetConnID()
        return $this->conn;



class Dataset
    var $result;
    var $rows; //二维数组
    var $fileds;
    var $rowsNum;
    var $fieldsNum;
    var $queryStr;
    function Dataset($queryStr) 
        $this->queryStr = $queryStr;
        $this->rows= array();
        $this->fields = array();
        $this->rowsNum = 0;
        $this->fieldsNum = 0;
    function Load()
        $this->result = mysql_query($this->queryStr) or die("Could not query database");
        $this->rowsNum = mysql_num_rows($this->result); 
        $this->fieldsNum = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
        while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result))
            array_push($this->rows, $r);
    function Update()
    function CacheToFile()
    function RetriveFromCache()
    function GetRows() 
        return $this->rows;
    function GetFields()
        return $this->fields;
    function GetRow($rno)
        return $this->rows[$rno];
    function Getfiled($fno)
        return $this->fields[$fno];
    function GetItem($rno, $fno)
        return $this->rows[$rno][$fno];
    function GetRowsNum() 
        return $this->rowsNum;
    function GetFieldsNum()
        return $this->fieldsNum;
    function PrintTable()
        print "<table>";
        foreach($this->rows as $row)
            print "<tr>";
            foreach($row as $item)
                print "<td>".$item."</td>";
            print "</tr>";
        print "</table>";
    function PrintFields()
        foreach($this->fields as $fieldname)
            print $fieldname." ";
<? //test code
$conn = new Connection("localhost", "root", "", "forum");
$ds = new Dataset("select * from tbl_categories");
$rows = $ds->GetRows();



if(basename($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']) == "pager.class.php") {   
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
<? require_once("connection.class.php"); ?>
<? require_once("dataset.class.php"); ?>
class Pager
    var $sql;
    var $url='';        
    var $itemsPerPage=3;
    var $paraName = "p";
    var $totalItemsNum=0; 
    var $totalPagesNum=0;
    var $currentPageNo=1;
    var $ds; 
    function Pager($sql,$itemsPerPage, $paraName) //examaple: "select * from tbl_topics", "viewtopics.php?board=1", 1, 3, "p"
        $this->currentPageNo=empty($_GET["$paraName"]) ? 1 : $_GET["$paraName"]; 
        $this->ds = new Dataset($this->sql);
    function GetTotalItemsNum()
        return $this->totalItemsNum;
    function GetTotalPagesNum()
        return $this->totalPageNumber;
   function GetItemsStart()
      return $start; 
   function GetItemsLimit()
      return $this->itemsPerPage; 
    function GetItemsCurrentPage() //You can format the dataset(array)
        $arr = array();
        while($i<$this->GetItemsLimit() && $i+$this->GetItemsStart() < $this->totalItemsNum)
        return $arr;
/* --utilty functions------------------------------------------------*/
   function PrintPagerBar()
      print "<span class='pagerbar'>";
      for($i=1; $i<=$this->totalPagesNum; $i++)
            if(($start = strpos($this->url,$this->paraName."="))!=false)
                $newurl= substr_replace($this->url, $this->paraName."=".$i, $start);
                $newurl = $this->url."&".$this->paraName."=".$i;
            print "<a href='";
            print $newurl;
            print "'>";
            print $this->currentPageNo==$i ? "<strong>".$i."</strong>" : $i; 
            print " </a>";
      print "</span>";       
   function PrintItemsCurrentPage()
        print "<table>";
        foreach($this->GetItemsCurrentPage() as $row)
            print "<tr>";
            foreach($row as $item)
                print "<td>".$item."</td>";
            print "</tr>"; 
        print "</table>";
    function GetSelfURL() //Get Current Page URL
        //only for .PHP file
            $scriptName = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; 
            $nowurl = $scriptName; 
            $scriptName = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
            if(empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) $nowurl = $scriptName; 
            else $nowurl = $scriptName."?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; 
        return $nowurl; 
<? /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
<?  //test code
    $conn = new Connection("localhost", "root", "", "forum");
    $ipager = new Pager("select * from tbl_topics", 2, "page");   
Posted on 2008-04-03 22:32  Chio  阅读(364)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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