My Service Platform Development Plan



     *Service Solution in Intranet

Develop Content

     *A Silverlight Client

     *A Silverlight Management Center

     *A WCF SSO Auth Server

     *A WCF Resource Permission Server

     *A WCF Media Center Server

     *A WCF Diary Server

     *A MySQL Data Storage


Knowledge Reserve

     C# 3.5, Silverlight 3, WCF, Database, ORM, Network Security, Practical Cryptography




     throw new NotImplementedException();


     *Undo/Redo Stack in multiple use sesions, we need a way to mutex/lock object.

     *Permission Server use RBAC, we need a way to manipulate different kind of roles in different service neatly.

Known Issues

     *Silverlight do NOT support WSHttpBinding which support session. Maybe we can use ASP.NET session instead.

     *My poor English.


posted @ 2009-03-26 20:38  chinajuanbob  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报