qt sql 模块有哪些类?

Class Description translate.google
QSqlDatabase Handles a connection to a database 处理与数据库的连接
QSqlDriverCreator Template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type 模板类,为特定驱动程序类型提供SQL驱动程序工厂
QSqlDriverCreatorBase The base class for SQL driver factories SQL驱动程序工厂的基类
QSqlDriver Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases 用于访问特定SQL数据库的抽象基类
QSqlDriverPlugin Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins 自定义QSqlDriver插件的抽象基础
QSqlError SQL database error information SQL数据库错误信息
QSqlField Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views 处理SQL数据库表和视图中的字段
QSqlIndex Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes 用于操作和描述数据库索引的函数
QSqlQuery Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements 执行和操作SQL语句的方法
QSqlRecord Encapsulates a database record 封装数据库记录
QSqlResult Abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases 用于从特定SQL数据库访问数据的抽象接口
QSqlQueryModel Read-only data model for SQL result sets SQL结果集的只读数据模型
QSqlRelationalDelegate Delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel 委托,用于显示和编辑QSqlRelationalTableModel中的数据
QSqlRelation Stores information about an SQL foreign key 存储有关SQL外键的信息
QSqlRelationalTableModel Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support 具有外键支持的单个数据库表的可编辑数据模型
QSqlTableModel Editable data model for a single database table 单个数据库表的可编辑数据模型
posted @ 2018-10-31 15:55  學海無涯  阅读(491)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报