
Folder in 12 hive Contains
\ISAPI\HELP\[LCID] SharePoint help files. Deploy your own .chm files to this folder (or a localized subfolder)
\CONFIG Web.config customizations
\ISAPI SharePoint web services (deploy your custom web services here as well); maps to /_vti_bin
\Resources Global .resx files accessed from custom features and site definitions
\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES .Ascx user controls; maps to /_controltemplates
\TEMPLATE\FEATURES Features, of course!
\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS Common site pages; maps to /_layouts
\TEMPLATE\IMAGES Common site image files; maps to /_layouts/images
\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates All SharePoint site definitions; create a <subfolder>\xml to deploy your onet.xml custom site definition
\TEMPLATE\THEMES All UI elements used in themes; clone an existing theme folder to create your own
\TEMPLATE\[LCID]\XML Webtemp.xml files to define available site definitions; add an xml file here for your custom site definition
\TEMPLATE\ADMIN Pages used by Central Admin; maps to /_admin
\ADMISAPI Administration web services; maps to /_vti_adm
posted @ 2010-06-13 09:14  KID  阅读(203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报