




 1 float AudioPolicyManagerBase::volIndexToAmpl(audio_devices_t device, const StreamDescriptor& streamDesc,
 2         int indexInUi)
 3 {
 4     device_category deviceCategory = getDeviceCategory(device);
 5     const VolumeCurvePoint *curve = streamDesc.mVolumeCurve[deviceCategory];
 7     // the volume index in the UI is relative to the min and max volume indices for this stream type
 8     int nbSteps = 1 + curve[VOLMAX].mIndex -
 9             curve[VOLMIN].mIndex;//计算预置的曲线区间的范围,这里是(1-100)
10     ALOGI("VOLUME vol indexInUi=%d, nbSteps=%d, mIndexMin=%d, mIndexMax=%d",indexInUi,nbSteps,streamDesc.mIndexMin,streamDesc.mIndexMax);
11     int volIdx = (nbSteps * (indexInUi - streamDesc.mIndexMin)) /
12             (streamDesc.mIndexMax - streamDesc.mIndexMin);//(由传进来的UIIndex计算百分比的index,比如现在是第一级 100*(1-0)/(15-0)=6)
14     // find what part of the curve this index volume belongs to, or if it's out of bounds
15     int segment = 0;
16     if (volIdx < curve[VOLMIN].mIndex) {         // out of bounds
17         return 0.0f;
18     } else if (volIdx < curve[VOLKNEE1].mIndex) {
19         segment = 0;
20     } else if (volIdx < curve[VOLKNEE2].mIndex) {
21         segment = 1;
22     } else if (volIdx <= curve[VOLMAX].mIndex) {
23         segment = 2;
24     } else {                                                               // out of bounds
25         return 1.0f;
26     }
27 //第一极6是在区间VOLKNEE1之间,其区间表是在AudioPolicyManager初始化的时候就已经加载,因此它对应的segment为0
28     // linear interpolation in the attenuation table in dB
29     float decibels = curve[segment].mDBAttenuation +
30             ((float)(volIdx - curve[segment].mIndex)) *
31                 ( (curve[segment+1].mDBAttenuation -
32                         curve[segment].mDBAttenuation) /
33                     ((float)(curve[segment+1].mIndex -
34                             curve[segment].mIndex)) );
35 //计算衰减分贝数 curve[0].db + 该区间每一级index对应的db*index数  
36     float amplification = exp( decibels * 0.115129f); // exp( dB * ln(10) / 20 )
37//由指数公式计算出音量amplification db = 20log(V/Vmax)  linearToLog Vmax是一个参考值
38     ALOGI("VOLUME vol index=[%d %d %d], dB=[%.1f %.1f %.1f] ampl=%.5f",
39             curve[segment].mIndex, volIdx,
40             curve[segment+1].mIndex,
41             curve[segment].mDBAttenuation,
42             decibels,
43             curve[segment+1].mDBAttenuation,
44             amplification);
46     return amplification;
47 }


音量刻度 1 33 66 100
输出衰减量db -49.5 -33.5 -17.0 0.0

表1-1 default volume curve

音量刻度 1 20 60 100
输出衰减量db -58.0 -40.0 -17.0 0.0

表1-2 default media volume curve

音量刻度 1 20 60 100
输出衰减量db -56.0 -34.0 -11.0 0.0

表1-3 speaker media volume curve

音量刻度 1 33 66 100
输出衰减量db -29.7 -20.1 -10.2 0.0

表1-4 speaker sonification volume curve

音量刻度 1 33 66 100
输出衰减量db -24.0 -18.0 -12.0 -6.0

表1-5 default system volume curve

音量刻度 1 33 66 100
输出衰减量db -30.0 -26.0 -22.0 -18.0

表1-6 headset system volume curve


posted @ 2012-09-27 19:07  cerberspace  阅读(5975)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报