
cv::triangulatePoints----Reconstucts points by triangulation

void cv::trangulatePoints (InputArray projMatr1, 
  InputArray projMatr2, 
  InputArray projPoints1, 
  InputArray projPoints2, 
  OutputArray points4D )







 points4D=cv.triangulatePoints(projMatr1, projMatr2, projPoints1, projPoints2[, points4D])



projMatr1 3x4 projection matrix of the first camera.
projMatr2 3x4 projection matrix of the second camera.
projPoints1 2xN array of feature points in the first image. In case of c++ version it can be also a vector of feature points or two-channel matrix of size 1xN or Nx1.
projPoints2 2xN array of corresponding points in the second image. In case of c++ version it can be also a vector of feature points or two-channel matrix of size 1xN or Nx1.
points4D 4xN array of reconstructed points in homogeneous coordinates.

The function reconstructs 3-dimensional points (in homogeneout coordinates) by using their observations with a stereo camera. Projections matrices can be obtained from stereoRectify.


Keep in mind that all input data should be of float type in order for this function to work.





posted @ 2018-09-16 12:02  北小白  阅读(2193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报