MOSS Query Tool

MOSS Query Tool
Uploaded by speschka
Description This is the next version of the SharePoint Query Tool, designed for MOSS (SharePoint 2007). It has a similar feature set to the SharePoint Query Tool - it allows you to use a point and click interface to gather information such as search scopes and properties, type in search terms, and click a button to create both the search SQL syntax as well as the Xml document that is needed to run a query against MOSS. You can see results in plain text, structured Xml and now a dataset view. It supports FREETEXT and CONTAINS as well as wildcard searching. A very valuable tool for those trying to write custom SharePoint queries.
Downloads 269 Target audience Beginner
Uploaded date 12/19/2006 Edited date 12/19/2006
  • .NET Framework
  • Web Services
  • Languages
  • VB.NET
  • posted @ 2006-12-25 13:35  电电儿  阅读(1020)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报