高通平台 按键 进入 fastboot/recovery/edl 模式


  1. 按住 vol+ 键开机,进入 recovery 模式。
  2. 按住 vol- 键开机,进入 fastboot 模式。
  3. 按住 vol+ 键及 vol- 键开机,进入 edl(Emergency Download)模式。



Android/Normal Android界面 按Power键 adb reboot 手机短按,VR长按Power键 adb shell reboot -p(关机)
Recovery/OTA/卡刷 Recovery界面 按住OK键(Vol+)

adb reboot recovery 长按Power键重启 adb reboot
Fastboot/线刷 Fastboot界面 按住BACK键(Vol-)

adb reboot bootloader 长按Power键重启 fastboot reboot fastboot continue(resuming boot)
FFBM/Fast Factory/厂测/半开机 显示测试列表 misc分区头部为ffbm时

misc分区头部为ffbm时,adb reboot 长按Power键重启依然进入FFBM 唯一退出方式擦除misc分区
EDL/紧急下载/9008/砖头/裸板 无显示,黑屏 同时按住OK键(Vol+)和BACK键(Vol-)

adb reboot edl

fastboot reboot emergency






fastboot 刷机脚本:flash-all.sh


set +x
echo "------- LE2117 to LE2115 Conversion Bash Script by Lomeli12@xda -------"
echo "Please make sure you are in bootloader, your screen should say \"Fastboot Mode\" in red."
echo "You should be using the latest Google platform tools from your system's package manager (Apt, Yay, Brew, Scoop, etc)."
echo -e "Do not continue if you are unsure. \n"

# Make sure the user knows the risk and wants to continue
while true; do
    read -p "Are you SURE you want to continue? Your warranty will be void and there's always the possibility you can soft-brick your phone (Y/N) " yn
    case $yn in
        [Yy]* ) 
        [Nn]* )
            echo "Conversion canceled"

# Check if fastboot exists. If not, inform the user how to install it
if [ -z $(which fastboot) ]; then
    echo "Something went wrong!"
    echo "Please install Google Platform tools to get fastboot."
    echo "Debian/Ubuntu: apt install android-tools-fastboot"
    echo "macOS: brew install android-platform-tools"
    echo "Windows: scoop install adb"
    echo "Arch: AUR android-sdk-platform-tools (yay -S android-sdk-platform-tools)"
    echo "Conversion canceled"

# Double check we have all the required images
files=( *."img" )
if [ ${#files[@]} -lt 34 ]; then
    echo "Something went wrong!"
    echo "Your working directory does not contain .img files. Make sure you are executing this script from the payload output directory (where all the .img files are)"
    echo "Conversion canceled"

# Begin flashing. Cross your fingers nothing goes wrong
echo "Flashing... Your device will reboot a few times, don't panic"
echo "When reporting errors, make sure to include the output of \"fastboot --version\" and any outputs from this script."
set -x
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash splash splash.img
fastboot flash modem modem.img
fastboot flash oplusstanvbk oplusstanvbk.img
fastboot flash oplus_sec oplus_sec.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta_vendor vbmeta_vendor.img

fastboot reboot fastboot

fastboot flash aop aop.img
fastboot flash bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash dsp dsp.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash splash splash.img
fastboot flash modem modem.img
fastboot flash oplusstanvbk oplusstanvbk.img
fastboot flash qupfw qupfw.img
fastboot flash oplus_sec oplus_sec.img
fastboot flash multiimgoem multiimgoem.img
fastboot flash uefisecapp uefisecapp.img
fastboot flash abl abl.img
fastboot flash bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash cpucp cpucp.img
fastboot flash devcfg devcfg.img
fastboot flash featenabler featenabler.img
fastboot flash hyp hyp.img
fastboot flash imagefv imagefv.img
fastboot flash keymaster keymaster.img
fastboot flash qweslicstore qweslicstore.img
fastboot flash shrm shrm.img
fastboot flash tz tz.img
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img
fastboot flash vm-bootsys vm-bootsys.img
fastboot flash xbl xbl.img
fastboot flash xbl_config xbl_config.img

fastboot reboot fastboot

fastboot flash product product.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash system_ext system_ext.img
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
fastboot flash odm odm.img

fastboot reboot bootloader
sleep 25
fastboot -w

set +x
echo -e "Done! \nPlease reboot to recovery via the menus and wipe everything prior to boot"
read -p "Press any key to continue..."


posted @ 2024-04-11 18:18  petercao  阅读(58)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报