原文链接:OP3 Soccer Take a look at the OP3 Powered by DYNAMIXEL 看看由DYNAMIXEL 驱动的OP3 We investigate whether Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) is able t 阅读全文
原文链接:OP3 Soccer Take a look at the OP3 Powered by DYNAMIXEL 看看由DYNAMIXEL 驱动的OP3 We investigate whether Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) is able t 阅读全文
视频链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JA3iaVqerm4owFYAkrYy8g 近日,北京智能佳科技有限公司顺利完成三台Mobile Aloha机械臂的共同发货交付使用任务,再次展现了公司在机器人技术领域的深厚积累和卓越实力。 自2006年8月成立以来,智能佳科技始终秉 阅读全文
原文链接:Robot Goalie with Robotis OP3 Simple goalie demo with OP3 based on open source Soccer demo. It gets distance and velocity of the ball. 基于开源足球演示的O 阅读全文
原文链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO4vZnU4yF8 产品名称 京东店铺 ROBOTIS OP3 达尔文机器人 DARWIN OP3 达尔文三代 动态人形智能机器人 高端机器人产品,适合各种比赛,原装进口 https://item.jd.com/16196 阅读全文
原文链接:Watch: Intrepid robodog goes for underwater stroll "The small size of the robot, its waterproof design and solidness contribute to being able to 阅读全文
原文链接:Robotic Control Module: One AI Model for Any Robot - IEEE Spectrum A new model can operate virtually any robot design, including arms, quadrupeds 阅读全文
原文链接:Pangolin-inspired robot poops tree seeds into holes it digs (newatlas.com) The hole-digging, seed-bomb-depositing, Plantolin pangolin-inspired ro 阅读全文
原文链接:Dynamixel doorbell chime robot (youtube.com) ��Check out a 7-robot design to play all 14 notes on a tongue drum using 2-axis robots! Powered by a 阅读全文
原文链接:Unboxing the most POWERFUL servo I've ever used - The DYNAMIXEL-Y (youtube.com) Check out this amazing video featuring DYNAMIXEL-Y by Mr.Volt! 看看 阅读全文