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Quick Reference for Linux Device Drivers Development (kernel 2.6.15)

Posted on 2012-01-21 00:58  shwh  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Concurrency and race conditions

#include <asm/atomic.h>

#include <asm/bitops.h>

#include <linux/spinlock.h>

#include <linux/seqlock.h>

#include <linux/rcupdate.h>

#include <linux/semaphore.h>

#include <linux/rwsem.h>

#include <linux/completion.h>

atomic operation

#include <asm/atomic.h>

atomic_t v = ATOMIC_INIT(value);

void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i);

int atomic_read(atomic_t *v);

void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v);

void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v);

void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v);

void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v);

int atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t *v);

int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v);

int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v);

int atomic_add_negative(int i, atomic_t *v);

int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t *v);

int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic_t *v);

int atomic_inc_return(atomic_t *v);

int atomic_dec_return(atomic_t *v);

Atomically access integer variables. The atomic_t variables must be accessed

only through these functions.


#include <asm/bitops.h>

void set_bit(nr, void *addr);

void clear_bit(nr, void *addr);

void change_bit(nr, void *addr);

test_bit(nr, void *addr);

int test_and_set_bit(nr, void *addr);

int test_and_clear_bit(nr, void *addr);

int test_and_change_bit(nr, void *addr);

Atomically access bit values; they can be used for flags or lockvariables. Using

these functions prevents any race condition related to concurrent access to the



#include <linux/spinlock.h>

spinlock_t lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;

spin_lock_init(spinlock_t *lock);

The include file defining the spinlockinterface and the two ways of initializing


void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock);

void spin_lock_irqsave(spinlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void spin_lock_irq(spinlock_t *lock);

void spin_lock_bh(spinlock_t *lock);

The various ways of locking a spinlock and, possibly, disabling interrupts.

int spin_trylock(spinlock_t *lock);

int spin_trylock_bh(spinlock_t *lock);

Nonspinning versions of the above functions; these return in case of failure to

obtain the lock, nonzero otherwise.

void spin_unlock(spinlock_t *lock);

void spin_unlock_irqrestore(spinlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void spin_unlock_irq(spinlock_t *lock);

void spin_unlock_bh(spinlock_t *lock);

The corresponding ways of releasing a spinlock.


 reader-writer spin-lock

rwlock_t lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED

rwlock_init(rwlock_t *lock);

The two ways of initializing reader/writer locks.

void read_lock(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_lock_irqsave(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void read_lock_irq(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_lock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

Functions for obtaining read access to a reader/writer lock.

void read_unlock(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_unlock_irqrestore(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void read_unlock_irq(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_unlock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

Functions for releasing read access to a reader/writer spinlock.

void write_lock(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_lock_irqsave(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void write_lock_irq(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_lock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

Functions for obtaining write access to a reader/writer lock.

void write_unlock(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_unlock_irqrestore(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void write_unlock_irq(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_unlock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

Functions for releasing write access to a reader/writer spinlock.


sequential spin-lock  

#include <linux/seqlock.h>

seqlock_t lock = SEQLOCK_UNLOCKED;

seqlock_init(seqlock_t *lock);

The include file defining seqlocks and the two ways of initializing them.

unsigned int read_seqbegin(seqlock_t *lock);

unsigned int read_seqbegin_irqsave(seqlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

int read_seqretry(seqlock_t *lock, unsigned int seq);

int read_seqretry_irqrestore(seqlock_t *lock, unsigned int seq, unsigned long


Functions for obtaining read access to a seqlock-protected resources.

Notice: <Linux Device Driver 3rd>says, every time after reading the shared resource pointed by the parameter

"lock" of the function "read_seqbegin(seqlock_t* lock)" or

"read_seqbegin_irqsave(seqlock_t* lock, unsigned long flags)",

the corresponding one of last two functions must be called to check if the read data has changed during that time.(???Really?It's opposite to the saying

from <Linux Kernel Development 3rd>.)

void write_seqlock(seqlock_t *lock);

void write_seqlock_irqsave(seqlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void write_seqlock_irq(seqlock_t *lock);

void write_seqlock_bh(seqlock_t *lock);

int write_tryseqlock(seqlock_t *lock);

Functions for obtaining write access to a seqlock-protected resource.

void write_sequnlock(seqlock_t *lock);

void write_sequnlock_irqrestore(seqlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);

void write_sequnlock_irq(seqlock_t *lock);

void write_sequnlock_bh(seqlock_t *lock);

Functions for releasing write access to a seqlock-protected resource.


read-copy-update spin-lock

#include <linux/rcupdate.h>

The include file required to use the read-copy-update (RCU) mechanism.

void rcu_read_lock;

void rcu_read_unlock;

Macros for obtaining atomic read access to a resource protected by RCU.

void call_rcu(struct rcu_head *head, void (*func)(void *arg), void *arg);

Arranges for a callbackto run after all processors have been scheduled and an

RCU-protected resource can be safely freed.


#include <linux/semaphore.h>

The include file that defines semaphores and the operations on them.



Two macros for declaring and initializing a semaphore used in mutual exclusion mode. 

void init_MUTEX(struct semaphore *sem);

void init_MUTEX_LOCKED(struct semaphore *sem);

These two functions can be used to initialize a semaphore at runtime.

void down(struct semaphore *sem);

int down_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem);

int down_trylock(struct semaphore *sem);

void up(struct semaphore *sem);

Lockand unlocka semaphore. down puts the calling process into an uninterruptible

sleep if need be; down_interruptible, instead, can be interrupted by a signal.

down_trylock does not sleep; instead, it returns immediately if the

semaphore is unavailable. Code that locks a semaphore must eventually unlock

it with up.


Reader-writer semaphore

#include <linux/rwsem.h>

struct rw_semaphore;

init_rwsem(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

The reader/writer version of semaphores and the function that initializes it.

void down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

int down_read_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

void up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

Functions for obtaining and releasing read access to a reader/writer semaphore.

void down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)

int down_write_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem)

void up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)

void downgrade_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)

Functions for managing write access to a reader/writer semaphore.



#include <linux/completion.h>


init_completion(struct completion *c);

INIT_COMPLETION(struct completion c);

The include file describing the Linux completion mechanism, and the normal

methods for initializing completions. INIT_COMPLETION should be used only to

reinitialize a completion that has been previously used.

void wait_for_completion(struct completion *c);

Wait for a completion event to be signalled.

void complete(struct completion *c);

void complete_all(struct completion *c);

Signal a completion event. complete wakes, at most, one waiting thread, while

complete_all wakes all waiters.

void complete_and_exit(struct completion *c, long retval);

Signals a completion event by calling complete and calls exit for the current



Block Drivers 

#include <linux/fs.h>

#include <linux/genhd.h>

#include <linux/blkdev.h>

#include <linux/bio.h>

#include <linux/fs.h>

int register_blkdev(unsigned int major, const char *name);

int unregister_blkdev(unsigned int major, const char *name);

register_blkdev registers a block driver with the kernel and, optionally, obtains a

major number(When "major" is zero). A driver can be unregistered with unregister_blkdev.


"major 参数是块设备要使用的主设备号,name 为设备名,它会在/proc/devices

被显示。如果major 0,内核会自动分配一个新的主设备号,register_blkdev()函数


误。Linux 2.6 内核中,对register_blkdev()的调用完全是可选的,


① 如果需要,分配一个动态主设备号。

② 在/proc/devices 中创建一个入口。


struct block_device_operations

Structure that holds most of the methods for block drivers.Just like "struct file_operation".

#include <linux/genhd.h>

struct gendisk;

Structure that describes a single block device within the kernel.

"在 Linux 内核中,使用gendisk(通用磁盘)结构体来表示1 个独立的磁盘设备(或分区)"

struct gendisk *alloc_disk(int minors);

Function that allocate gendisk structures and return them to the system.


void set_capacity(struct gendisk *gd, sector_t sectors);

Stores the capacity of the device (in 512-byte sectors) within the gendisk structure.




void add_disk(struct gendisk *gd);

Adds a disk to the kernel. As soon as this function is called, your disk’s methods

can be invoked by the kernel.



void del_gendisk(struct gendisk *gd);

Delete a disk from the kernel.

int check_disk_change(struct block_device *bdev);

A kernel function that checks for a media change in the given disk drive and

takes the required cleanup action when such a change is detected.


#include <linux/blkdev.h>

request_queue_t blk_init_queue(request_fn_proc *request, spinlock_t *lock);

A function that handles the creation of block request queues.

 The arguments are, of course, the request  function for this queue and a spinlock that

controls access to the queue. This function allocates memory (quite a bit of memory,

actually) and can fail because of this; you should always check the return value

before attempting to use the queue.

As part of the initialization of a request queue, you can set the field queuedata  (which

is a void *  pointer) to any value you like. This field is the request queue’s equivalent

to the private_data  we have seen in other structures.

void blk_cleanup_queue(request_queue_t *);

A function that handles the deletion of block request queues. To return a request queue to

the system (at module unload time, generally).

struct request *elv_next_request(request_queue_t *queue);

void end_request(struct request *req, int success);

elv_next_request obtains the next request from a request queue; end_request may

be used in very simple drivers to mark the completion of (or part of) a request.


elv_next_request returns a pointer to the next request to process (as determined by the I/O scheduler)

or NULL  if no more requests remain to be processed. elv_next_request  leaves the request

on the queue but marks it as being active; this mark prevents the I/O scheduler from

attempting to merge other requests with this one once you start to execute it.

void blkdev_dequeue_request(struct request *req);

void elv_requeue_request(request_queue_t *queue, struct request *req);

Functions that remove a request from a queue and put it back on if necessary.


If your driver operates on multiple requests from the same queue simultaneously, it

must dequeue them in this manner.

void blk_stop_queue(request_queue_t *queue);

void blk_start_queue(request_queue_t *queue);

If you need to prevent further calls to your request method, a call to blk_stop_queue

does the trick. Acall to blk_start_queue is necessary to cause your request method

to be invoked again. The queue lock must be held when calling either of these functions.

void blk_queue_bounce_limit(request_queue_t *queue, u64 dma_addr);

void blk_queue_max_sectors(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned short max);

void blk_queue_max_phys_segments(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned short max);

void blk_queue_max_hw_segments(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned short max);

void blk_queue_max_segment_size(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned int max);

blk_queue_segment_boundary(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned long mask);

void blk_queue_dma_alignment(request_queue_t *queue, int mask);

void blk_queue_hardsect_size(request_queue_t *queue, unsigned short max);

Functions that set various queue parameters that control how requests are created

for a particular device.


#include <linux/bio.h>

struct bio;

Low-level structure representing a portion of a block I/O request.

bio_sectors(struct bio *bio);

bio_data_dir(struct bio *bio);

Two macros that yield the size and direction of a transfer described by a bio


bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, segno);

A pseud ocontrol structure used to loop through the segments that make up a bio


char *__bio_kmap_atomic(struct bio *bio, int i, enum km_type type);

void __bio_kunmap_atomic(char *buffer, enum km_type type);

__bio_kmap_atomic may be used to create a kernel virtual address for a given

segment within a bio structure. The mapping must be undone with __bio_


struct page *bio_page(struct bio *bio);

int bio_offset(struct bio *bio);

int bio_cur_sectors(struct bio *bio);

char *bio_data(struct bio *bio);

char *bio_kmap_irq(struct bio *bio, unsigned long *flags);

void bio_kunmap_irq(char *buffer, unsigned long *flags);

A set of accessor macros that provide access to the “current” segment within a

bio structure.

void blk_queue_ordered(request_queue_t *queue, int flag);

int blk_barrier_rq(struct request *req);

Call blk_queue_ordered if your driver implements barrier requests—as it should.

The macro blk_barrier_rq returns a nonzero value if the current request is a barrier


int blk_noretry_request(struct request *req);

This macro returns a nonzero value if the given request should not be retried on


int end_that_request_first(struct request *req, int success, int count);

void end_that_request_last(struct request *req);

Use end_that_request_first to indicate completion of a portion of a block I/O

request. When that function returns 0, the request is complete and should be

passed to end_that_request_last.

rq_for_each_bio(bio, request)

Another macro-implemented control structure; it steps through each bio that

makes up a request.

int blk_rq_map_sg(request_queue_t *queue, struct request *req, struct scatterlist *list);

Fills the given scatterlist with the information needed to map the buffers in the

given request for a DMA transfer.

typedef int (make_request_fn) (request_queue_t *q, struct bio *bio);

The prototype for the make_request function.

void bio_endio(struct bio *bio, unsigned int bytes, int error);

Signal completion for a given bio. This function should be used only if your

driver obtained the bio directly from the block layer via the make_request function.

request_queue_t *blk_alloc_queue(int flags);

void blk_queue_make_request(request_queue_t *queue, make_request_fn *func);

Use blk_alloc_queue to allocate a request queue that is used with a custom

make_request function. That function should be set with blk_queue_make_


typedef int (prep_rq_fn) (request_queue_t *queue, struct request *req);

void blk_queue_prep_rq(request_queue_t *queue, prep_rq_fn *func);

The prototype and setup functions for a command preparation function, which

can be used to prepare the necessary hardware command before the request is

passed to your request function.

int blk_queue_init_tags(request_queue_t *queue, int depth, struct blk_queue_tag *tags);

int blk_queue_resize_tags(request_queue_t *queue, int new_depth);

int blk_queue_start_tag(request_queue_t *queue, struct request *req);

void blk_queue_end_tag(request_queue_t *queue, struct request *req);

struct request *blk_queue_find_tag(request_queue_t *qeue, int tag);

void blk_queue_invalidate_tags(request_queue_t *queue);

Support functions for drivers using tagged command queueing.