
用于生成和修改常见配置文档,当前模块的名称在 python 3.x 版本中变更为 configparser

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #coding=utf-8
  3. __author__ = 'yaobin'
  4. #生成一个configparse文档
  5. import configparser
  6. config = configparser.ConfigParser()
  7. #生成第一个节段
  8. config["DEFAULT"] = {'ServerAliveInterval': '45',
  9. 'Compression': 'yes',
  10. 'CompressionLevel': '9'}
  11. #生成第二个节段
  12. config[''] = {}
  13. config['']['User'] = 'hg'
  14. config['']['passwd'] = '123456'
  15. #生成第三个节段
  16. config[''] = {}
  17. topsecret = config['']
  18. topsecret['Host Port'] = '50022' # mutates the parser
  19. topsecret['ForwardX11'] = 'no' # same here
  20. config['DEFAULT']['ForwardX11'] = 'yes'
  21. with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile:
  22. config.write(configfile)

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #coding=utf-8
  3. __author__ = 'yaobin'
  4. import configparser
  5. config = configparser.ConfigParser()
  7. # ########## 读 ##########
  8. # secs = config.sections()
  9. # print(secs)
  10. # options = config.options('')
  11. # print(options)
  12. # item_list = config.items('')
  13. # print(item_list)
  14. # val = config.get('','user')
  15. # val2 = config.getint('','passwd')
  16. # print(val)
  17. # print(val2)
  18. # a="" in config
  19. # print(a)
  20. #
  21. # b="bitbucket.orgno" in config
  22. # print(b)
  23. # d=config['']['User']
  24. # e=config['DEFAULT']['Compression']
  25. # print(d)
  26. # print(e)
  27. # topsercret=config['']
  28. # print(topsercret['forwardx11'])
  29. # print(topsercret['host port'])
  30. # for key in config['']:
  31. # print(key) #DEFAULT也打印出来了,DEFAULT是全局变量吧
  32. #print(config['']['ForwardX11']) #打印默认的出来了
  33. # ########## 改写 ##########
  34. # sec = config.remove_section('')
  35. # config.write(open('a.cfg', "w"))
  36. # sec = config.has_section('')
  37. # print(sec)
  38. # config.add_section('yaobin')
  39. # config.write(open('b.cfg', "w"))
  40. #
  41. # config.set('yaobin','k1',"11111")
  42. # config.write(open('c.cfg', "w"))
  43. #
  44. # config.remove_option('','passwd')
  45. # config.write(open('d.cfg', "w"))

posted on 2016-02-26 18:07  等待唐僧的日子  阅读(101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报