
1. 一些cygwin软件包

原来我放在 http://code.google.com/p/bamanzi-misc/downloads/listhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/bamanzi.u/files/cygwin/ ,但后来。。。前者被薔了,后者sf.net改了政策(不再提供非项目型的下载了)

1.2 mobaxterm插件



2.1 dictd 词典



2.2 stardict词典

| filename | size | datetime | download links |
| stardict-xdict-ce-gb-2.4.2.tar.7z | 2034KB | 2012/12/26 21:46 | 坚果云 本博客 |
| stardict-xdict-ec-gb-2.4.2.tar.7z | 3144KB | 2012/12/26 23:03 | 坚果云 本博客 |
| stardict-guojibiaozhunhanzidacidian-2.4.2.tar.7z | 1321KB | 2012/12/26 21:50 | 坚果云 本博客 |
| stardict-langdao-ce-gb-2.4.2.tar.bz2 | 7.0MB | 2013/02/13 16:20 | 坚果云 |
| stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2.tar.bz2 | 8.3MB | 2013/02/13 16:20 | 坚果云 |

3. 一些被墙的软件

3.1 PuTTYTabManager


| filename | size | datetime | download links |
| puttytm-0.39.zip | 131KB | 2015/8/8 8:14:54 | https://files.cnblogs.com/bamanzi/puttytm-0.39.zip |
| puttytm-0.35.zip | 98KB | 2014/2/16 20:03:43 | https://files.cnblogs.com/bamanzi/puttytm-0.35.zip |
| puttytm-0.33.zip | 96KB | 2013/12/9 15:06:42 | https://files.cnblogs.com/bamanzi/puttytm-0.33.zip |

3.2 KiTTY

首页: http://www.9bis.net/kitty

(最新版本墙内下载地址: kitty + kscp + kageant: https://chocolatey.org/packages/kitty 点击左下角Download,下载下来的 .nupkg其实是一个zip包。
如果只需要下载kitty.exe,也可以访问这里: http://www.fosshub.com/KiTTY.html


| filename | size | datetime | download links |
| kitty_doc.zip | 852KB | 2013/5/27 22:00:59 | https://files.cnblogs.com/files/bamanzi/kitty_doc.zip |
| KiTTYCyg.1.7.zip | 893KB | 2013/5/6 11:25:10 | https://files.cnblogs.com/files/bamanzi/KiTTYCyg.1.7-1260573977.zip |
| win32-lrzsz-0.12.20-bin.zip | 101KB | 2002/11/13 | https://files.cnblogs.com/files/bamanzi/win32-lrzsz-0.12.20-bin.zip |

3.3 QTranslate

一个轻量级的词典/翻译软件,支持Google, Microsoft, Wikipedia等引擎,也支持国内的有道词典。

首页: http://quest-app.appspot.com
软件介绍可以看这里: <http://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=2237 >

| filename | size | datetime | download links |
| QTranslate.5.5.1.zip | 422KB | 2014/5/1 15:14:53 | https://files.cnblogs.com/files/bamanzi/QTranslate.5.5.1.zip |
| QTranslate.4.1.0.zip | 404KB | 2012/12/26 21:36:25 | https://files.cnblogs.com/files/bamanzi/QTranslate.4.1.0.zip |

3.4 Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

gfie-3.4 x86/x64 <https://www.jianguoyun.com/p/DfMjGhEQ84PyBRiJ-hI >

3.5 Delphi IDE Theme Editor

The Delphi IDE Theme Editor (DITE) is a tool to customize the IDE color highlighting of several Object Pascal IDE's like Delphi (RAD Studio), Appmethod, Lazarus and Smart Mobile Studio.

DITE supports Delphi 5-7, 2005-2010, XE-XE8, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, Appmethod 1.13-1.16, Lazarus v1.0.1.3 and Smart Mobile Studio IDE v1.1.2.17.

项目主页: https://github.com/rruz/delphi-ide-theme-editor
(以前在 http://code.google.com/p/delphi-ide-theme-editor/ )

作者将版本包放在Dropbox和Google Docs里面,如果你有FQ软件,你可以从GitHub项目里面找到最新版本的下载链接。

|filename | size | url |
| Setup_DITE-20150901.exe | 8.8MB | http://jianguoyun.com/p/DadWBsMQzp_gBRjC9BA |
| DITE-portable-20150901.7z | 8.2MB | http://jianguoyun.com/p/DeEoaTUQzp_gBRjD9BA |

|filename | size | url |
| Delphi-IDE-Theme-Editor-20131212.exe | 7437KB | 2013/12/12 | http://jianguoyun.com/p/DS8ZchwQzp_gBRjDlQ0 |
| Delphi-IDE-Theme-Editor-20110705.rar | 2871KB | 2014/1/15 | http://jianguoyun.com/p/De9zs0MQzp_gBRjAlQ0 |

3.6 Some plugin for Notepad++


3.6.1 LanguageHelp

it allows to load a language specific help file (CHM, HLP, PDF) and search for the keyword under the cursor. The latest version allows also to show the help files as menu entries or in the context menu.

| Version | Release date | Description |
| 1v61 | 2015-03-30 | Improve context menu detection and adds capability to enable/disable the menu icons introduced in the last version |
| 1v60 | 2015-03-05 | Bug fix and added menu icons (NOTE: menu icons do not display correctly in WinXP |
| 1v52 | 2014-02-06 | Fixed a couple of issues that did not allow the plugin to run on WinXP |
| 1v51 | 2013-11-22 | Fixed a problem with the context menu not displaying in recent versions of Notepad++. |
| | | Added date/time variables in path expansion. |
| | | This version drops ASCII support. |
| 1v50 | 2013-01-19 | A new extension/file matching algorithm has been implemented that allows to use command line file search patterns. |
| | | Note that the old format for extension matching should be automatically updated to the new format... |
| | | but if it does not work, you may need to do so manually. |
| | | Please note that this version may be incompatible with WinXP system because it requires shlwapi.dll v7... thanks to Diamanti. |
| 1v40 | 2010-08-12 | Fix a problem with winhelp32 not displaying the context menu... thanks to Tom Williams |

3.6.2 AutoSave

备注: Notepad++ 6.6已经提供了类似的功能,不再需要此插件了。

This plugin allows to automatically save the currently open files based on a timer schedule (default is 1 min) and/or upon the application losing focus.

The plugin offers several options to save the current (or all the files), selecting only the named ones, accessible through an options dialog box.

| Version | Release date | Description |
| v1.40 | 2012-12-11 | Fix bug involving multiple views |

3.6.3 TakeNotes

This plugin is designed to help people who like to use Notepad++ for jotting quick notes. Instead of using unnamed "new ?" files, this plugins allows to quickly create new empty files in a folder of
choice. The file names may be custom generated using a mask and may contain details such as the user name, date, and time of creation so that unique files may be generated.

Additionally, the plugin allows to load exiting notes in the folder of choice, save existing files as a note, and open the last saved note quickly. Please refer to the Options dialog box for more details.

It is strongly recommended to use this plugin in combination with AutoSave to make sure that you never loose a note.

| Version | Release date | Description |
| v1.11 | 2014-02-06 | Fixed a couple of issues that did not allow the plugin to run on WinXP. |

posted @ 2016-02-02 14:59  巴蛮子  阅读(1635)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报