acm steps chapter6总结

6.1.1 Constructing Roads 74.44%(67,90)
6.1.2 Eddy's picture 73.91%(68,92)
6.1.3 畅通工程 86.59%(71,82)
6.1.4 还是畅通工程 75.82%(69,91)
6.1.5 继续畅通工程 85.06%(74,87)
6.1.6 Jungle Roads 90.14%(64,71)
6.1.7 Connect the Cities 38.50%(77,200)
6.1.8 Pseudoforest 43.95%(69,157)

6.1 最小生成树


6.2.1 最短路 60.94%(78,128)
6.2.2 畅通工程续 58.33%(21,36)
6.2.3 Trucking 34.55%(19,55)
6.2.4 Here We Go(relians) Again 63.79%(74,116)
6.2.5 Bus System 32.14%(27,84)
6.2.6 Transit search 46.15%(18,39)
6.2.7 Bus Pass 40.24%(33,82)
6.2.8 In Action 46.15%(78,169)
 6.2 最短路
6.3.1 Strategic Game 68.97%(40,58)
6.3.2 Girls and Boys 67.20%(84,125)
6.3.3 Air Raid 84.72%(61,72)
6.3.4 棋盘游戏 77.19%(44,57)
6.3.5 50 years, 50 colors 84.62%(33,39)
6.3.6 Card Game Cheater 71.43%(50,70)
6.3.7 Uncle Tom's Inherited Land* 61.54%(64,104)
6.3.8 Cat vs. Dog 38.41%(63,164)
6.3 二分匹配
posted @ 2012-10-02 00:43  YogyKwan  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报