



08/11/05 09:12:06 WARNING: The following trace events were not captured: SQL:BatchStarting
, RPC:Starting, SP:StmtStarting, SP:StmtCompleted, Showplan Statistics. Review the help fi
le to ensure that you have collected the appropriate set of events and columns for your in
tended analysis.
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Event 10 does not contain the following required column(s): 15
08/11/05 09:12:06 WARNING: Event 10 does not contain the following recommended column(s):
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Event 12 does not contain the following required column(s): 15
08/11/05 09:12:06 WARNING: Event 12 does not contain the following recommended column(s):
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Event 14 does not contain the following required column(s): 15
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Event 15 does not contain the following required column(s): 15
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Event 17 does not contain the following required column(s): 15
08/11/05 09:12:06 ERROR: Performance analysis has been disabled because one or more events
 is missing required columns. Consult the help file for the recommended set of trace event
s and necessary columns.

提示是在运行事件探查器跟踪SQL运行的时候,默认选取的"数据列"不足造成的,查过READ80TRACE帮助文件后,增加选取以下"数据列":DatabastID , EndTime, ObjectID, NestLevel, IntegerData.


08/11/05 09:22:51 WARNING: The following trace events were not captured: SQL:BatchStarting
, RPC:Starting, SP:StmtStarting, SP:StmtCompleted, Showplan Statistics. Review the help fi
le to ensure that you have collected the appropriate set of events and columns for your in
tended analysis.

提示是在运行事件探查器跟踪SQL运行的时候,默认选取的"事件"不足造成的.增加选取以下"事件": TSQL:BatchStarting,
, 存储过程RPC:Starting, 存储过程SP:StmtStarting, 存储过程SP:StmtCompleted, 性能Showplan Statistics



read80trace -f -dRML -I"d:\test.trc"




PSSDIAG Data Collection Utility
PSSDIAG是MS SQLSERVER的数据收集诊断工具,今天先下载了看看,还没有具体使用呢!
PSSDiag is a diagnostic data collector for Microsoft SQL Server. It can simultaneously collect Perfmon/Sysmon logs, Profiler traces, event logs, SQLDIAG reports, and detailed blocking information. It is commonly used by Microsoft Product Support Services engineers to collect diagnostic data from end-user installations and can also be used by end-users to troubleshoot and monitor their own SQL Server installations

Posted on 2005-08-11 11:15  天马行空  阅读(1011)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报