
The SharePoint APIs allocate COM - based memory that the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
garbage collector does not release. For this reason, you need to explicitly call the Dispose() method
on certain objects such as the SPSite and SPWeb objects. If you don ’ t, you will get memory leaks in
your application, and it can be hard to track down which pieces of your code are causing the leaks.
For this reason, Microsoft released a tool called SPDisposeCheck , which will scan your code and
tell you where you are not releasing this memory because of not calling the Dispose() method. This
tool will save you a lot of time and heartache in tracking down memory leaks. You can download
SPDisposeCheck from .


Visual Round Trip Analyzer
The Visual Round Trip Analyzer (VRTA) sits on top of the network monitor tool from Microsoft
and is a free add - on. It visualizes how long it takes a client to talk to a server — information
that you can then use to understand if you are making excessive round trips, if your code
is slowing down the pages (for example, because of loading many small JavaScript or CSS
fi les), or if there are network issues causing any problems between your application and the
server. You can download VRTA from

No discussion of debugging tools would be complete without mentioning Fiddler. Fiddler is a web
debugging proxy that logs all HTTP traffi c between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows
you to inspect all HTTP traffi c, set breakpoints, and view your incoming and outgoing data. It is an
essential tool to help you understand what server variables are coming back from your server, what
the payload is, how many calls your client - side code took, and other factors that provide insight into
your applications.

posted @ 2010-12-01 12:18  annpaul  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报