… 佛於是把我化做一棵树 长在你必经的路旁 阳光下 慎重地开满了花 …… keep smiling, keep swinging
I am a sensitive girl, but I am trained to be reansonable.
I struggle to learn.
I am always trying to hide myself, just waiting someone with aspirations to find me.
I admit that too few people get through that door, and share the feelings  with me.
I do not know why people are so different out there.
I always  feel misunderstanded or even mistaken.
People say any other person could never know youself quite exactly.
I accept it and I stop trying after so many failures.

But I am quite shocked today.
I find a girl quite optimistic and brave to announce her feelings, all the small beautiful girls' feelings.
It is like I finally find a person I am looking for. She makes me feel so familiar.
When I get that kind of feelings or  small wishes, I will just pass them or tell him. I think maybe only he could like to listen to these silly things and not laugh at me.  ( Great thanks to him for not letting me feel lonly that much. )
I do not know why I am so shy to share with others and what I am afraid of. Maybe it really depends on peoples' charactors, or maybe it is the internet that changes peoples' life style. Anyway it does help people to understand each other much better.

However, I set up a blog, but never let people surrouding me know it, although it is still so differnent from my diary.
I choose here instead of  other websites  becauce the page is simple and clean, not so complicated.
I come back here because I am quite encouraged .

I am happy I find a person quite alike beside me.
I do not know what will happen.
But I know I am a busy girl.
I have to start to work now.

posted on 2006-02-16 15:55  silvia  阅读(284)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报