Early this month we expericed a strange Store Connect issue

After restoring production databases in the DEV environment, store connect was not working. When the N-Jobs were run in the distribution scheduler, the status message would be “Successful with Retail Store Connect”. However the StoreConnectDatabase message tables had no records of replication and no changes were made to the POS tables.

Sure I re-configured all settings and profiles for Retail. (AOS Profile   Database Profile   Retail Store Connect Profile    Distribution Locations > Connection Profile      Distribution location list > default include list    Transaction Service Profile)

Finally we found that some records in table RetailConnDistributionLocation was missing a distribution group!

To resolve the problem the distribution locations and distribution location list forms had to be cleared and repopulated. Updating the already existing records from production to use in the DEV environment did not produce complete records or links for the DEV Store Connect profiles to reference. 

posted on 2012-10-26 14:16  alanzhou  阅读(319)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报