

def is_valid(x): 2 if len(x)==18: 3 if x[-1]=='Y': 4 return False 5 else: 6 return True 7 else: 8 return False 9 10 with open('C:\\Users\\可可子\\Desktop\\实验6数据文件\\data3_id.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: 11 data=f.readlines() 12 del data[0] 13 new=[] 14 15 for i in data: 16 datas=i.strip('\n').split(',') 17 if is_valid(datas[1]) == True: 18 new.append(datas) 19 new.sort(key=lambda x:int(x[1][6:10])) 20 for i in new: 21 print(f'{i[0]},{i[1][6:10]}-{i[1][10:12]}-{i[1][12:14]}')




import random 2 import datetime 3 f=open('C:\\Users\\可可子\\Desktop\\实验6数据文件\\data5.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') 4 t=datetime.datetime.now() 5 filename=t.strftime('%Y%m%d') + ('.txt') 6 7 8 with open(filename,'w',encoding='utf-8') as g: 9 data=f.readlines() 10 x=int(input('输入随机抽点人数:')) 11 new_data=random.sample(data,x) 12 13 for i in new_data: 14 print(i.strip('\n')) 15 16 f.close()




print(f"{'抽点开始':=^40}") 2 import random 3 import datetime 4 f=open('C:\\Users\\可可子\\Desktop\\实验6数据文件\\data5.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') 5 t=datetime.datetime.now() 6 filename=t.strftime('%Y%m%d') + ('.txt') 7 8 9 10 a=[] 11 data=f.readlines() 12 while True: 13 x=int(input('输入随机抽点人数:')) 14 if x==0: 15 break 16 else: 17 new_data=random.sample(data,x) 18 for i in new_data: 19 print(i.strip('\n')) 20 a.append(i) 21 22 23 24 print(f"{'抽点结束':=^40}") 25 f.close() 26 27 28 29 with open(filename,'w',encoding='utf-8') as g: 30 b=set(a) 31 for j in a: 32 g.write(j)


posted on 2022-05-19 19:38  张玮珊  阅读(28)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报