实验一 类与对象


// Complex.hpp

 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cmath> 
 3 using namespace std;
 5 class Complex
 6 {
 7     public:
 8         Complex(double r = 0, double m = 0) : real(r), imag(m) {} ;
 9         Complex(Complex &c) : real(c.real), imag(c.imag) {} ;
10         double get_real() const
11         {
12             return real;
13         }
14         double get_imag() const
15         {
16             return imag;
17         }
18         void show() const
19         {
20             cout<<real<<" + "<<imag<<"i"<<endl;
21         }
22         void add(Complex const &c)
23         {
24             real += c.real;
25             imag += c.imag;
26         }
27         friend Complex add(Complex const &c1, Complex const &c2);
28         friend bool is_equal(Complex const &c1, Complex const &c2);
29         friend double abs(Complex const &c);
30     private:
31         double real;
32         double imag;
33 };
35 Complex add(Complex const &c1, Complex const &c2)
36 {
37     Complex c;
38     c.real = c1.real + c2.real;
39     c.imag = c1.imag + c2.imag;
40     return c;
41 }
43 bool is_equal(Complex const &c1, Complex const &c2)
44 {
45     if(c1.real == c2.real && c1.imag == c2.imag)
46         return true;
47     return false;
48 }
50 double abs(Complex const &c)
51 {
52     return sqrt(c.real * c.real + c.imag *c.imag);
53 }

// task3.cpp

 1 #include "Complex.hpp"
 2 #include <iostream>
 4 int main()
 5 {
 6     using namespace std;
 8     Complex c1(2, -4);
 9     const Complex c2(5.5);
10     Complex c3(c1);
12     cout << "c1 = ";
13     c1.show();
14     cout << endl;
16     cout << "c2 = ";
17     c2.show();
18     cout << endl;
19     cout << "c2.imag = " << c2.get_imag() << endl;
21     cout << "c3 = ";
22     c3.show();
23     cout << endl;
25     cout << "abs(c3) = ";
26     cout << abs(c3) << endl;
28     cout << boolalpha;
29     cout << "c1 == c3 : " << is_equal(c1, c3) << endl;
30     cout << "c1 == c2 : " << is_equal(c1, c2) << endl;
32     Complex c4;
33     c4 = add(c1, c2);
34     cout << "c4 = c1 + c2 = ";
35     c4.show();
36     cout << endl;
38     c1.add(c2);
39     cout << "c1 += c2, " << "c1 = ";
40     c1.show();
41     cout << endl;
42 }



// 实验任务四


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<string>
 3 using namespace std;
 5 class User
 6 {
 7     public:
 8         User(string a, string p = "111111", string e = "") : name(a), password(p), email(e) { n++; }
 9         User(User &u) : name(u.name), password(u.password), email(u.email) { n++; }
10         void set_email()
11         {
12             cout<<"Enter email address:";
13             cin>>email;
14             while(email.find('@') == -1)
15             {
16                 cout<<"The @ should be included. Plesae input again:";
17                 cin>>email; 
18             }
19             cout<<"email is set sucessfully..."<<endl; 
20         }
21         void change_passwd();
22         void print_info()
23         {
24             cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;
25             cout<<"passwd:******"<<endl;
26             cout<<"email :"<<email<<endl;
27         }
28         static void print_n()
29         {
30             cout<<"there are "<<n<<" users."<<endl;
31         }
32         ~User() { n--; }
33     private:
34         string name;
35         string password;
36         string email;
37         static int n;
38 };
40 int User::n = 0;
42 void User::change_passwd()
43 {
44     int i = 0;
45     string temp;
46     while(i != 3)
47     {
48         if(i == 0)
49             cout<<"Enter old password:";
50         else
51             cout<<"Please re_enter again:";
52         cin>>temp;
53         if(temp == password)
54         {
55             cout<<"Enter new password:";
56             cin>>password;
57             while(password.length() != 6)
58             {
59                 cout<<"The length of the new password should be six.";
60                 cout<<"Please input again:";
61                 cin>>password;
62             }
63             cout<<"new password is set sucessfully..."<<endl;
64             return;
65         }
66         else
67         {
68             cout<<"password input error.";
69             i++;
70         } 
71     }
72     if(i == 3)
73         cout<<"Please try after a while."<<endl; 
74 }



 1 #include "User.hpp"
 2 #include <iostream>
 4 int main()
 5 {
 6     using namespace std;
 8     cout << "testing 1......" << endl;
 9     User user1("Jonny", "273274", "xyz@hotmail.com");
10     user1.print_info();
11     cout << endl
12          << "testing 2......" << endl
13          << endl;
14     User user2("Leonard");
15     user2.change_passwd();
16     user2.set_email();
17     user2.print_info();
19     User::print_n();
20 }



posted @ 2021-10-19 17:11  颜嘉震  阅读(121)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报