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First, I suggest that you review the following topic to learn how to show a custom set of objects in a ListView: How to: Display a List of Non-Persistent Objects.
To create non-persistent objects based on a stored procedure, use the Session.GetObjectsFromSproc method. Use the XPObjectSpace.Session property of the Object Space created for a new DetailView to get a Session instance. Here is an example based on the How to: Display a List of Non-Persistent Objects topic:

void showDuplicatesAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) {
    IObjectSpace objectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
    StoredProcedureResults resultsHolder = new StoredProcedureResults(); // a custom non-persistent class with a Results collection
    ICollection<MyNonPersistentClass> results = ((XPObjectSpace)objectSpace).Session.GetObjectsFromSproc<MyNonPersistentClass>("mySproc");
    e.View = Application.CreateDetailView(objectSpace, resultsHolder);


posted on 2014-11-29 08:40  Tonyyang  阅读(469)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报