http://blogs.msdn.com/b/azchina/archive/2011/02/18/sql-azure-reporting-limited-ctp-arrived.a概念SQL Azure Reporting 把云端报表作为服务来提供,构建于SQL Server Reporting Services 和 SQL Azure 技术之上。诸如SQL Azure Reporting此类云端报表服务具有许多优势,包括快速服务提供,成本效益,拓展性,高可用性以及减少报表服务器的管理费用,并能安全的访问,查看和管理报表。SQL Azure ReportingService提供如下功能:. 阅读全文
http://www.hanselman.com/blog/SlowCheetahWebconfigTransformationSyntaxNowGeneralizedForAnyXMLConfigurationFile.aspxI did a post last year calledIf You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrongthat also included a video of my talk at Mix10 where I show how to deploy website with Web Deploy. One o 阅读全文
http://blog.abstractlabs.net/2011_02_01_archive.htmlRecently I wrote a worker role in windows azure and was hoping the app.config would transform much like the web.config in the web roles. Sadly this is not the case. The configuration transforms are very useful when making a distinction between prod 阅读全文