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前段时间刚刚向大家推荐了DotNet下的开源图形控件The Netron Project,才不过半个月的时间,Netron项目就没有了,真是世事难料啊。

在CodeProject上(http://www.codeproject.com/script/profile/whos_who.asp?vt=arts&id=524590)Netron的作者Francois *Swa* Vanderseypen有一个简单的自我介绍,这篇自我介绍说明:Francois实实在在是一个天才:

Job: .Net architect in Belgium. Heterogeneous integrations, now more than ten years in the field. Time flies...During working hours I play with IBM Tivoli, SQL Server, mainframes, WebSphere MQ and everything in between. If you have a challenging job for me, drop me a note

Interests: as good as everything, but with a PhD in theoretical physics you can assume I spend a lot of time with mathematical ideas and complexity. Quantum gravity (Loops and knots) in my nostalgic moments. I tend to improvize a lot on my piano and thanks to the blogging phenomenon I write quite a lot of pseudo-philosophical essays.

天才可以写出一流的软件,但未必能够成功地推动一个开源项目,非常优秀的The Netron Project似乎名声不是很大。




The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this:
A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.
To him…
a touch is a blow,
a sound is a noise,
a misfortune is a tragedy,
a joy is an ecstasy,
a friend is a lover,
a lover is a god,
and failure is death.
Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create -
so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning,
his very breath is cut off from him.
He must create, must pour out creation.
By some strange, unknown, inward urgency he is not really alive
unless he is creating.

(Pearl Buck)


Give me,
a job with free spacetime for working on diagramming stuff,
a fair allotment and good coffee,
no commercial worries, just faith in innovative ideas.
In return I can give you
the best .Net open source around,
creativity and passion unlimited,
an inspiring and erudite compeer,
impartial friendship, true commitment.

Let me,

Until then; I am sorry.



While I beg you for your financial help,
you continue asking me my latest code
just to make sure
your business can continue.
My God,
the open source world is truly
a cruel place!

看来作者在寻求帮助的时候,得到的却都是索要源代码的请求,因此对开源已经失去了信心(the open source world is truly a cruel place!),做出了一个很极端的举动。


不过开源的好处在Netron目前的情况中得到了相当好的体现,Netron关闭后,用户only_me在SourceForge上注册了一个新的项目:Netron Reloaded;这个项目将延续Netron原有的代码和文档,并将作为Netron官方版本之外的一个分支继续开发下去。

这一期(2006年第7期)的《程序员》杂志在描述Ubuntu Linux的时候有一段话,用来说明Netron的当前状态很合适:“只要它仍然有益于社区,就会有人站在它倒下的地方,继续前行。开源的魅力正在于此。


Netron Reloaded项目已经恢复了Netron项目在SourceForge上发布过的原有的文档和源代码的下载,only_me在2006-06-15说将在当晚恢复代码的CVS仓库,但是时至今日Netron Reloaded的CVS仓库仍然是一片空白。

Netron项目使用的协议是作者自己编写的一个协议,Netron Reloaded项目则采用了LGPL开源协议,尽最大可能地保证了和原协议的兼容,但是有人指出擅自改变原有代码的授权协议并不合适。

希望Netron Reloaded能够一路走好,也祝愿Francois能够找到一个更好的工作,能够有足够的时间和资源 working on diagramming stuff。

posted on 2006-07-01 21:30  NetCobra  阅读(5089)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报