

通过CLI命令show timezone来查看时区,假如我们需要将时区修改为国内,参考如下表格:



ME-ISE/lcj(config)# clock timezone Asia/Chongqing

% On ISE distributed deployments, it is recommended all nodes be 
% configured with the same time zone. 
Continue with time zone change?  Y/N [N]: Y
System timezone was modified. You must restart ISE for change to take effect.
Do you want to restart ISE now? (yes/no) yes

Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
PassiveID WMI Service is disabled
PassiveID Syslog Service is disabled
PassiveID API Service is disabled
PassiveID Agent Service is disabled
PassiveID Endpoint Service is disabled
PassiveID SPAN Service is disabled
ISE pxGrid processes are disabled
Stopping ISE Application Server...
Stopping ISE Certificate Authority Service...
Stopping ISE EST Service...
ISE Sxp Engine Service is disabled
Stopping TC-NAC Service ...
Error response from daemon: no such id: irf-core-engine-runtimeirf-core-engine-runtime is not running
Error response from daemon: no such id: irf-rabbitmq-runtimeirf-rabbitmq-runtime is not running
Error response from daemon: no such id: irf-mongo-runtimeirf-mongo-runtime is not running
VA Service is not running
ISE VA Database is not running
Stopping container wifisetup-container
Stopping docker daemon...
Warning: docker.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
Stopping ISE Profiler Database...
Stopping ISE Indexing Engine...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Stopping ISE AD Connector...
Stopping ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Starting ISE Profiler Database...
Starting ISE Application Server...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Starting ISE Indexing Engine...
Starting docker daemon ...
Warning: docker.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

Starting container wifisetup-container
Starting ISE Certificate Authority Service...
Starting ISE AD Connector...
Note: ISE Processes are initializing. Use 'show application status ise'
      CLI to verify all processes are in running state. 

启动完成之后,通过show application status ise来检查进程是否都running了。

ME-ISE/lcj# sho application status ise

ISE PROCESS NAME                       STATE            PROCESS ID  
Database Listener                      running          93336       
Database Server                        running          67 PROCESSES
Application Server                     running          97472       
Profiler Database                      running          94904       
ISE Indexing Engine                    running          98736       
AD Connector                           running          100678      
M&T Session Database                   running          94812       
M&T Log Collector                      running          97664       
M&T Log Processor                      running          97520       
Certificate Authority Service          running          100464      
EST Service                            running          109942      
SXP Engine Service                     disabled                     
Docker Daemon                          running          99385       
TC-NAC Service                         disabled        
Wifi Setup Helper Container            running          100018      
 Wifi Setup Helper Vault               running          41          
 Wifi Setup Helper MongoDB             running          14          
 Wifi Setup Helper Web Server          running          210         
 Wifi Setup Helper Auth Service        running          120         
 Wifi Setup Helper Main Service        running          156         
 Wifi Setup Helper WLC Service         running          194         
pxGrid Infrastructure Service          disabled                     
pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service    disabled                     
pxGrid Connection Manager              disabled                     
pxGrid Controller                      disabled                     
PassiveID WMI Service                  disabled                     
PassiveID Syslog Service               disabled                     
PassiveID API Service                  disabled                     
PassiveID Agent Service                disabled                     
PassiveID Endpoint Service             disabled                     
PassiveID SPAN Service                 disabled                     
DHCP Server (dhcpd)                    disabled                     
DNS Server (named)                     disabled              


posted @ 2020-04-08 15:41  剪刀石头布Cheers  阅读(933)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报