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国外的SNS (Social Network Service)如FriendsterTribe NetworksLinkedIn等网站启动至少一年,至今会员人数不断递增,然而却都面临同样一个尴尬的问题:如何赚钱?

"Social networks seek financial friends"一文介绍这些公司最主要的两种策略:一是认为社会关系网(social networking)本身并不赚钱,但可以通过与之结合的其它服务如猎头工作或房屋出租来收费,LinkedIn是这一类的代表;另一种是以FriendsterMySpace为代表的交友网站通过大量的注册用户为基础以吸引广告商投入宣传费。后者最大的问题在于,用户来得快也可能去得快,依靠用户基数赚取广告费具有不稳定因素。像Friendster这一类的公司虽然目前用户量大,但只要更新,提供更具吸引力服务的公司一出现,这些用户将很容易流失。原因在于若用户是冲着网站的功能(尤其是免费)或者说仅仅是娱乐式的交友而去,用户忠诚度不高,一旦有更好的服务或功能就会转到其它网站。



  Friendster Tickle LinkedIn Tribe Networks Orkut
Headquarters Sunnyvale San Francisco Mountain View San Francisco Mountain View, service offered by Google.
Employees 50 60-plus 27 28 not clear
Funding $13 million mostly from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, and Benchmark Capital. $9 million (August Capital invested $7 million, individual investors $2 million). In May acquired by Monster, for undisclosed sum. $4.7 million from Sequoia Capital. $6.3 million in venture financing from Mayfield Fund, Knight Ridder and the Washington Post. not clear
How you get in Someone must invite you. Can sign up at Can sign up at wwww.linkedin .com, can then invite in others into your network. Sign up at You need to be invited.
Mission Helps link friends, friends of friends and so on, up to three degrees. Users can open up to entire network or narrow to one or two degrees. Matches people by various means, including scientific questionnaires, and a social networking site. Default is four degrees of contact, have to pay for more. Allows users to search for people, based on industry, company, geography, title or by keyword in their profile. Can make requests to contact people up to four degrees of separation away. Requests must be approved by each person along the chain of contact. Network is everyone within four degrees of separation, but users can also link to people through Tribes, which are organized according to interest. Tribes can be open or closed to outsiders, depending on the Tribe manager. Similar to Friendster.
Plans for making money Advertising Charged fees on its matchmaking and other services. Now being integrated into Monster. Charge for a premium service early next year, targeted at heavy users, mainly recruiters. Will experiment with ads as a secondary revenue stream. By listing classified ads, after buildup in major city centers. They'll include job listings, followed by apartment listings, etc. Not clear
posted on 2005-07-23 01:17  康华  阅读(983)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报