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Cappuccino is an open source framework

Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.


Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.


Read all about Cappuccino and Objective-J, seedemos, and work through tutorials, and browse thedocumentation.


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Get the latest version of the frameworks, and an empty project template. No plugins or installation required. Direct link.


Cappuccino 0.9.5 - Amazing release for amazing web applications

The Buzz

ars technica

Cocoa on the web: 280 North, Objective-J, and Cappuccino

...from what I have experienced using 280 Slides, a future with Cappuccino based-apps is a bright one.

Chris Foresman, Ars Technica


Why Objective-J, Cappuccino and SproutCore are completely changing the web app industry

...if you use Cappuccino, those apps will automatically look and behave like ... desktop apps - with zero learning curve on the developer's side. He or she can simply focus on building an kick ass app instead of trying to re-invent basic UI functionality every single time.

Ryan Carson, Carsonified


An interview with 280 North on Objective-J and Cappuccino

I can see the allure of Objective-J / Cappuccino for building desktop-like Web applications. It gives you a very high level abstraction over the browser. No more DOM. No more CSS layouts, which can be the bane of your existence for a complicated and dynamic layout.

Dion Almaer, Ajaxian

在Html5出现之前,大部分桌面级别应用都是使用基于Windows的C或VB或Java AWT/JavaFX等开发,很多人不相信在浏览器中也能够开发如同它们一样级别的应用,也就是富客户端RIA应用。

  苹果的IPhone大部分应用是也是基于Object-C开发的本地应用,AndRoid的普及和开放,让更多人深信桌面级别的本地应用必须使用重量级的语言,比如C 或Java;或使用专有不开放的脚步语言如Flash 的AS或JavaFX。


  1. 开源Cappuccino框架

  基于浏览器,建立类似桌面应用或iPhone那样的应用。非常类似GNUstep 和苹果 Cocoa frameworks 。

  基于HTML, CSS Javascript之上,不必了解这些语言,而是使用统一语言Objective-J (类似iPhone的Objective-C)。



  2. SproutCore

  JavaScript HTML5 应用框架,基于浏览器创造类似本地桌面风格的应用。


  鉴于这一重大转变, SproutCore认为唯一符合逻辑的答案是建立基于HTML5的应用程序。浏览器是一个平台,每个设备都能运行良好。随着HTML5标准的技术深入,将可以创建更多的基于浏览器的应用程序,将比其竞争对手:桌面本地应用程序还要更多。



posted on 2012-08-02 10:39  HackerVirus  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报