Focus on .Net (1)---------------ORM

I agree with that i dislike .net even you think.
It's nothing but the ORM.

All Ojbect relational Mapping includes tables, persistance object, stored procedure and relationship with ojbect.
let us think about the elements as we mentioned.

Stored procedures based on tables and relationships.

Data and abstract classes related to tables and stored procedures.

Some business layer codes is generated by me.
#region EmployeesObject class
 public class EmployeesObject : BusinessObject
  public EmployeesObject()
  private int _employeeid;
  public int employeeid
   get{return  _employeeid;}
   set{  _employeeid = value;}
  private string _lastname;
  public string lastname
   get{return  _lastname;}
   set{  _lastname = value;}
  private string _firstname;
  public string firstname
   get{return  _firstname;}
   set{  _firstname = value;}
  private string _title;
  public string title
   get{return  _title;}
   set{  _title = value;}
  private string _titleofcourtesy;
  public string titleofcourtesy
   get{return  _titleofcourtesy;}
   set{  _titleofcourtesy = value;}
  private DateTime _birthdate;
  public DateTime birthdate
   get{return  _birthdate;}
   set{  _birthdate = value;}
  private DateTime _hiredate;
  public DateTime hiredate
   get{return  _hiredate;}
   set{  _hiredate = value;}
  private string _address;
  public string address
   get{return  _address;}
   set{  _address = value;}
  private string _city;
  public string city
   get{return  _city;}
   set{  _city = value;}
  private string _region;
  public string region
   get{return  _region;}
   set{  _region = value;}
  private string _postalcode;
  public string postalcode
   get{return  _postalcode;}
   set{  _postalcode = value;}
  private string _country;
  public string country
   get{return  _country;}
   set{  _country = value;}
  private string _homephone;
  public string homephone
   get{return  _homephone;}
   set{  _homephone = value;}
  private string _extension;
  public string extension
   get{return  _extension;}
   set{  _extension = value;}
  private byte[] _photo;
  public byte[] photo
   get{return  _photo;}
   set{  _photo = value;}
  private string _notes;
  public string notes
   get{return  _notes;}
   set{  _notes = value;}
  private int _reportsto;
  public int reportsto
   get{return  _reportsto;}
   set{  _reportsto = value;}
  private string _photopath;
  public string photopath
   get{return  _photopath;}
   set{  _photopath = value;}
public int Load(int employeeidParam)
    Data.Employees oEmployees = new Data.Employees(ConnectionString);

posted on 2004-09-03 10:32  LeighSword  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
