
The following is an example of rich edit2.0 based on the default SD rich edit project.
Please email me for source code.
1.revise PreCreateWindows
BOOL CRich20DocViewView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
 // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
 //  the CREATESTRUCT cs
// return CRichEditView::PreCreateWindow(cs);
 BOOL nR=CRichEditView::PreCreateWindow(cs);
 return nR;
2. revise OnDestory
void CRich20DocViewView::OnDestroy()
 // Deactivate the item on destruction; this is important
 // when a splitter view is being used.
//   CRichEditView::OnDestroy();
   COleClientItem* pActiveItem = GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this);
   if (pActiveItem != NULL && pActiveItem->GetActiveView() == this)
      ASSERT(GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this) == NULL);
3. Enable auto URL detect in OnInitialUpdate()
 long lENM=GetRichEditCtrl().GetEventMask();
 BOOL bEnable=1;
4. URL left-button_dwon open with notify message
 afx_msg void OnLink( NMHDR* in_pNotifyHeader, LRESULT* out_pResult );
 void CRich20DocViewView::OnLink( NMHDR* in_pNotifyHeader, LRESULT* out_pResult )
  ENLINK * pLink=(ENLINK*) in_pNotifyHeader;
  CString str=GetRichEditCtrl().GetSelText();
  ShellExecute( this->GetSafeHwnd(), _T( "open" ), str, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ) ;

5. To print correctly, revise OnPrint. Without the following, there might be a non-stop print with blank pages)
void CRich20DocViewView::OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo)
 // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
 ASSERT(pInfo != NULL);

 UINT nPage = pInfo->m_nCurPage;
 ASSERT(nPage <= (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize());
 long nIndex = (long) m_aPageStart[nPage-1];

 // print as much as possible in the current page.
 nIndex = PrintPage(pDC, nIndex, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//nIndex got above hasn't take "return" into account
//The following codes add nIndex when there are any new lines
 int nLength=GetTextLength();
 CString strRich;
 int nS=0;

 //END adding nIndex
 //other error that might cause non-stop print
 //end other erro

 if (nIndex >= nLength)//GetTextLength()
  TRACE0("End of Document\n");

 // update pagination information for page just printed
 if (nPage == (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize())
  if (nIndex < nLength)//GetTextLength()
  ASSERT(nPage+1 <= (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize());
  ASSERT(nIndex == (long)m_aPageStart[nPage+1-1]);
// CRichEditView::OnPrint(pDC, pInfo);

posted on 2007-05-14 18:07  三毛  阅读(968)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
