了解Nape 2d物理引擎 第一天

首先 谢谢拉登大叔




    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import nape.geom.Vec2;
    import nape.phys.*;
    import nape.shape.Polygon;
    import nape.space.Space;
    import nape.util.ShapeDebug;
     * @author jacky<br>
     * 创建时间:2013-9-23 下午03:20:18
    [SWF(width= 550,height= 400,backgroundColor=0xffffff,frameRate=60)]
    public class NapeExe1 extends Sprite
        private var space:Space;
        private var debug:ShapeDebug;
        public function NapeExe1()
            var gravity:Vec2 = new Vec2(0, 400);
            space = new Space(gravity);
            //        a.创建一个Body对象,并指定它的类型和坐标
            var body:Body = new Body(BodyType.STATIC, new Vec2(stage.stageWidth/2, stage.stageHeight-10));
            //        b.创建刚体的形状shape,可以接收的形状有两种Cirle和Polygon,后者通过指定不同的顶点来创建任何非圆形的形状。
            var shape:Polygon = new Polygon(Polygon.box(stage.stageWidth, 10));
            //        c.指定刚体所存在的空间,即第一部分提到的空间。
            body.space = space;
            debug = new ShapeDebug(550, 400);
            addChild(new Stats());
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler);
        private function mouseEventHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
            //        a.创建一个Body对象,并指定它的类型和坐标
            var body:Body = new Body(BodyType.DYNAMIC, new Vec2(mouseX, mouseY));
            //        b.创建刚体的形状shape,可以接收的形状有两种Cirle和Polygon,后者通过指定不同的顶点来创建任何非圆形的形状。
            var shape:Polygon = new Polygon(Polygon.box(Math.random()*30+30,Math.random()*30+30));
            //        c.指定刚体所存在的空间,即第一部分提到的空间。
            body.space = space;
        private function loop(e:Event):void
            space.step(1 / 60, 30);
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 * Hi-ReS! Stats
 * Released under MIT license:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * How to use:
 *    addChild( new Stats() );
 *    or
 *    addChild( new Stats( { bg: 0xffffff } );
 * version log:
 *    09.03.28        2.1        Mr.doob            + Theme support.
 *    09.02.21        2.0        Mr.doob            + Removed Player version, until I know if it's really needed.
 *                                            + Added MAX value (shows Max memory used, useful to spot memory leaks)
 *                                            + Reworked text system / no memory leak (original reason unknown)
 *                                            + Simplified                
 *    09.02.07        1.5        Mr.doob            + onRemovedFromStage() (thx huihuicn.xu)
 *    08.12.14        1.4        Mr.doob            + Code optimisations and version info on MOUSE_OVER
 *    08.07.12        1.3        Mr.doob            + Some speed and code optimisations
 *    08.02.15        1.2        Mr.doob            + Class renamed to Stats (previously FPS)
 *    08.01.05        1.2        Mr.doob            + Click changes the fps of flash (half up increases, half down decreases)
 *    08.01.04        1.1        Mr.doob            + Shameless ripoff of Alternativa's FPS look :P
 *                            Theo            + Log shape for MEM
 *                                            + More room for MS
 *     07.12.13        1.0        Mr.doob            + First version

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.system.System;
    import flash.text.StyleSheet;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;    

     * <b>Hi-ReS! Stats</b> FPS, MS and MEM, all in one.
    public class Stats extends Sprite
        private var _xml : XML;

        private var _text : TextField;
        private var _style : StyleSheet;

        private var _timer : uint;
        private var _fps : uint;
        private var _ms : uint;
        private var _ms_prev : uint;
        private var _mem : Number;
        private var _mem_max : Number;
        private var _graph : BitmapData;
        private var _rectangle : Rectangle;
        private var _fps_graph : uint;
        private var _mem_graph : uint;
        private var _mem_max_graph : uint;
        private var _theme : Object = { bg: 0x000033, fps: 0xffff00, ms: 0x00ff00, mem: 0x00ffff, memmax: 0xff0070 }; 

         * <b>Hi-ReS! Stats</b> FPS, MS and MEM, all in one.
         * @param theme         Example: { bg: 0x202020, fps: 0xC0C0C0, ms: 0x505050, mem: 0x707070, memmax: 0xA0A0A0 } 
        public function Stats( theme : Object = null ) : void
            if (theme)
                if (theme.bg != null) _theme.bg = theme.bg;
                if (theme.fps != null) _theme.fps = theme.fps;
                if (theme.ms != null) _theme.ms = theme.ms;
                if (theme.mem != null) _theme.mem = theme.mem;
                if (theme.memmax != null) _theme.memmax = theme.memmax;
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init, false, 0, true);

        private function init(e : Event) : void
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 70, 50);

            _mem_max = 0;

            _xml = <xml><fps>FPS:</fps><ms>MS:</ms><mem>MEM:</mem><memMax>MAX:</memMax></xml>;
            _style = new StyleSheet();
            _style.setStyle("xml", {fontSize:'9px', fontFamily:'_sans', leading:'-2px'});
            _style.setStyle("fps", {color: hex2css(_theme.fps)});
            _style.setStyle("ms", {color: hex2css(_theme.ms)});
            _style.setStyle("mem", {color: hex2css(_theme.mem)});
            _style.setStyle("memMax", {color: hex2css(_theme.memmax)});
            _text = new TextField();
            _text.width = 70;
            _text.height = 50;
            _text.styleSheet = _style;
            _text.condenseWhite = true;
            _text.selectable = false;
            _text.mouseEnabled = false;
            var bitmap : Bitmap = new Bitmap( _graph = new BitmapData(70, 50, false, _theme.bg) );
            bitmap.y = 50;
            _rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 1, _graph.height );            
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);

        private function update(e : Event) : void
            _timer = getTimer();
            if( _timer - 1000 > _ms_prev )
                _ms_prev = _timer;
                _mem = Number((System.totalMemory * 0.000000954).toFixed(3));
                _mem_max = _mem_max > _mem ? _mem_max : _mem;
                _fps_graph = Math.min( 50, ( _fps / stage.frameRate ) * 50 );
                _mem_graph =  Math.min( 50, Math.sqrt( Math.sqrt( _mem * 5000 ) ) ) - 2;
                _mem_max_graph =  Math.min( 50, Math.sqrt( Math.sqrt( _mem_max * 5000 ) ) ) - 2;
                _graph.scroll( 1, 0 );
                _graph.fillRect( _rectangle , _theme.bg );
                _graph.setPixel( 0, _graph.height - _fps_graph, _theme.fps);
                _graph.setPixel( 0, _graph.height - ( ( _timer - _ms ) >> 1 ), _theme.ms );
                _graph.setPixel( 0, _graph.height - _mem_graph, _theme.mem);
                _graph.setPixel( 0, _graph.height - _mem_max_graph, _theme.memmax);
                _xml.fps = "FPS: " + _fps + " / " + stage.frameRate;
                _xml.mem = "MEM: " + _mem;
                _xml.memMax = "MAX: " + _mem_max;
                _fps = 0;

            _xml.ms = "MS: " + (_timer - _ms);
            _ms = _timer;
            _text.htmlText = _xml;
        private function onClick(e : MouseEvent) : void
            mouseY / height > .5 ? stage.frameRate-- : stage.frameRate++;
            _xml.fps = "FPS: " + _fps + " / " + stage.frameRate;
            _text.htmlText = _xml;
        // .. Utils
        private function hex2css( color : int ) : String
            return "#" + color.toString(16);
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posted @ 2013-09-23 16:00  jackyLe  阅读(479)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报