

1. 本地数据集上传到数据仓库Hive

  1. 数据集下载与查看
  2. 数据集预处理
  3. 把数据集导入HDFS中
  4. 在Hive上创建数据库

2. Hive数据分析

  1. 给出数据分析需求
  2. 用select语句实现数据分析
  3. 数据分析结果查看与保存 

3. Hive、MySQL、HBase数据互导

 1. 本地数据集上传到数据仓库Hive








2.2 Hive数据分析



  • 语句:select count(*) from bigdata_user where visit_date >'2014-12-10' and visit_date <'2014-12-13' and behavior_type='4' limit 10;
  • 结果截图:运行或存为表格后的查询显示


  • 语句:select day(visit_date) from bigdata_user limit 10;
  • 行为日期

  • 购买行为的记录数、不同用户数
  • 语句:select count(distinct uid) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4’;


  • 按日期统计记录数、用户数
  • 语句:select count(distinct uid),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date) limit 10;


  • 语句:select count(*),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date) limit 10;


  • 保存为表格
  • 语句:create table day_count as select count(*),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date);


    语句:create table day_uid as select count(distinct uid),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date);

  • 12号+购买行为
  • 语句:select * from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' limit 10;
  • 按用户编号分组
  • 语句:select uid from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid limit 10;
  • 按用户分组统计
  • 语句:select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid limit 10;
  • 12号,购买,4项以上
  • 语句:select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid having count(*)>4 limit 10;
  • 语句:select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid having count(behavior_type='4')>4 limit 10;


  • 2014-12-12号当天广东购买商品数
  • 语句:select count(*)from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and province='广东';
  • 按省份统计购买数量

  • 语句:select count(*)from bigdata_user group by province;


  • 2014-12-12号当天的商品购买与浏览比例
  • 语句:select count(*)from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='4' limit 10;


  • 用户10001082在2014-12-12号当天活跃度:该用户点击行为占该天所有点击行为的比例

  • 语句:select count(*)from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and uid='10001082';


  • 2014-12-12号当天购买4件商品以上的用户
  • 语句:select uid,count(*)from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid having count(*)>4;



  语句:select uid from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' and visit_date='2014-12-10' group by uid having count(behavior_type='4')>5;




 语句:select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-10' group by uid having count(*)>3 limit 10;



语句:create table day_count_3 as select count(*),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='3' group by day(visit_date);


 3. Hive、MySQL、HBase数据互导


create table dblab.user_action(id STRING,uid STRING, item_id STRING, behavior_type STRING, item_category STRING, visit_date DATE, province STRING) COMMENT 'Welcome to XMU dblab! ' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE;






INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dblab.user_action select * from dblab.bigdata_user;




select * from user_action limit 10;










show variables like "char%";









CREATE TABLE `dblab`.`user_action` (`id` varchar(50),`uid` varchar(50),`item_id` varchar(50),`behavior_type` varchar(10),`item_category` varchar(50), `visit_date` DATE,`province` varchar(20)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;



sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dblab --username root --password hadoop --table user_action --export-dir '/user/hive/warehouse/dblab.db/user_action' --fields-terminated-by '\t';





select * from user_action limit 10;











sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dblab --username root --password hadoop --table user_action --hbase-table user_action --column-family f1 --hbase-row-key id --hbase-create-table -m 1


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