Level Set Hair Shell

发件人 Shading

from PIXAR's paper

发件人 Shading


This slice of hair shell is based on FMM (Fast Marching Method) to obain a level set function in order to get a "imaginary" curve normal for hair shading similar to "Volumetric Methods for Simulation and Rendering of Hair" from PIXAR studio. But I really do not know whether we need this because pbr hair rendering do not need normal at all, this direction is pixar-only. I have also implement the Marschner's model, viewed the dual scattering published on Siggraph 2008, but I am still confused with the real need of production.

这个2D切片是基于FMM的Level Set求解Density函数求得的,等同于PIXAR的《Volumetric Methods for Simulation and Rendering of Hair》这篇文章中说的方法。不过我依旧感到很困惑,真正的生产需求是什么,需要什么样的技术才能满足效果需求。Marschner的物理模型我也做了,今年Siggraph 08的波恩大学的双向散射毛发渲染我也看了,感觉和生产真的差距还是太大。

说是要阴影,好啊,Deep Shadow可以,可是身体上的bias数值又不对。RT吧,不是不行,只是这个速度实在是不可接受。连添加杂色都不好添加,建模也不好建,动力学部分还需要Character TD多进修进修,总之,路漫漫啊。


posted on 2008-12-23 16:08  Bo Schwarzstein  阅读(940)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报