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A short introduction of Feed4JUnit

Download and Installation

In the mainly site of FeedJUint (http://databene.org/feed4junit.html) , there is no download link could be found for the single product. It is luck that Google could helps us a lot. The mainly source and test cases could be download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/feed4junit/. As a source package deliver, the installation of this tool is quite simple: copy all dependencies into your own project folder and then compile it.

The release package of Feed4JUnit does not contains the source code of databene****, you could download the source code and binary from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/benerator/. Notes that the source code distribution is packaged as a tar.gz file, you should use tar to extract files from the package.You can use GOW on top of Windows XP, and here is the command line description for tar (Chinese version):  http://www.jb51.net/os/RedHat/1219.html

The brother project, Feed4TestNG could be found at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/feed4testng/, please download it following your interesting.

The projects is using StringTemplate as a string parser, you could download the source code of StringTemplate from http://sourceforge.net/projects/feed4testng/, notes that the StringTemplate support Java and C#, please choose your right program language. There are some Chinese issues for you learning StringTemplate:

check the following PPT (Click the image to enlarge it) to gain more information and run test case in the attachment to get more sensitive example.

 Fee4JUnit0000 Fee4JUnit0001 Fee4JUnit0002 Fee4JUnit0003 Fee4JUnit0004 Fee4JUnit0005 Fee4JUnit0006 Fee4JUnit0007 Fee4JUnit0008 Fee4JUnit0009 Fee4JUnit0010 Fee4JUnit0011 Fee4JUnit0012 Fee4JUnit0013 Fee4JUnit0014 Fee4JUnit0015 Fee4JUnit0016 Fee4JUnit0017


src.zip (6.12 kb)


Feed4Junit Basic.ppt (445.00 kb)

posted @ 2010-09-03 09:32  Jeason  阅读(505)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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